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0001 -- start query 10 in stream 0 using template query10.tpl
0002 with 
0003 v1 as (
0004   select 
0005      ws_bill_customer_sk as customer_sk
0006   from web_sales,
0007        date_dim
0008   where ws_sold_date_sk = d_date_sk
0009   and d_year = 2002
0010   and d_moy between 4 and 4+3
0011   union all
0012   select 
0013     cs_ship_customer_sk as customer_sk
0014   from catalog_sales,
0015        date_dim 
0016   where cs_sold_date_sk = d_date_sk
0017   and d_year = 2002
0018   and d_moy between 4 and 4+3
0019 ),
0020 v2 as (
0021   select 
0022     ss_customer_sk as customer_sk
0023   from store_sales,
0024        date_dim
0025   where ss_sold_date_sk = d_date_sk
0026   and d_year = 2002
0027   and d_moy between 4 and 4+3 
0028 )
0029 select
0030   cd_gender,
0031   cd_marital_status,
0032   cd_education_status,
0033   count(*) cnt1,
0034   cd_purchase_estimate,
0035   count(*) cnt2,
0036   cd_credit_rating,
0037   count(*) cnt3,
0038   cd_dep_count,
0039   count(*) cnt4,
0040   cd_dep_employed_count,
0041   count(*) cnt5,
0042   cd_dep_college_count,
0043   count(*) cnt6
0044 from customer c
0045 join customer_address ca on (c.c_current_addr_sk = ca.ca_address_sk)
0046 join customer_demographics on (cd_demo_sk = c.c_current_cdemo_sk) 
0047 left semi join v1 on (v1.customer_sk = c.c_customer_sk) 
0048 left semi join v2 on (v2.customer_sk = c.c_customer_sk)
0049 where 
0050   ca_county in ('Walker County','Richland County','Gaines County','Douglas County','Dona Ana County')
0051 group by 
0052   cd_gender,
0053   cd_marital_status,
0054   cd_education_status,
0055   cd_purchase_estimate,
0056   cd_credit_rating,
0057   cd_dep_count,
0058   cd_dep_employed_count,
0059   cd_dep_college_count
0060 order by 
0061   cd_gender,
0062   cd_marital_status,
0063   cd_education_status,
0064   cd_purchase_estimate,
0065   cd_credit_rating,
0066   cd_dep_count,
0067   cd_dep_employed_count,
0068   cd_dep_college_count
0069 limit 100
0070 -- end query 10 in stream 0 using template query10.tpl