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0001 #
0002 # Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
0003 # contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file distributed with
0004 # this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
0005 # The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
0006 # (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
0007 # the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
0008 #
0009 #
0010 #
0011 # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
0012 # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
0013 # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
0014 # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
0015 # limitations under the License.
0016 #
0018 from __future__ import absolute_import
0020 import sys
0021 import random
0023 from pyspark import RDD, since
0024 from pyspark.mllib.common import callMLlibFunc, inherit_doc, JavaModelWrapper
0025 from pyspark.mllib.linalg import _convert_to_vector
0026 from pyspark.mllib.regression import LabeledPoint
0027 from pyspark.mllib.util import JavaLoader, JavaSaveable
0029 __all__ = ['DecisionTreeModel', 'DecisionTree', 'RandomForestModel',
0030            'RandomForest', 'GradientBoostedTreesModel', 'GradientBoostedTrees']
0033 class TreeEnsembleModel(JavaModelWrapper, JavaSaveable):
0034     """TreeEnsembleModel
0036     .. versionadded:: 1.3.0
0037     """
0038     @since("1.3.0")
0039     def predict(self, x):
0040         """
0041         Predict values for a single data point or an RDD of points using
0042         the model trained.
0044         .. note:: In Python, predict cannot currently be used within an RDD
0045             transformation or action.
0046             Call predict directly on the RDD instead.
0047         """
0048         if isinstance(x, RDD):
0049             return"predict",
0051         else:
0052             return"predict", _convert_to_vector(x))
0054     @since("1.3.0")
0055     def numTrees(self):
0056         """
0057         Get number of trees in ensemble.
0058         """
0059         return"numTrees")
0061     @since("1.3.0")
0062     def totalNumNodes(self):
0063         """
0064         Get total number of nodes, summed over all trees in the ensemble.
0065         """
0066         return"totalNumNodes")
0068     def __repr__(self):
0069         """ Summary of model """
0070         return self._java_model.toString()
0072     @since("1.3.0")
0073     def toDebugString(self):
0074         """ Full model """
0075         return self._java_model.toDebugString()
0078 class DecisionTreeModel(JavaModelWrapper, JavaSaveable, JavaLoader):
0079     """
0080     A decision tree model for classification or regression.
0082     .. versionadded:: 1.1.0
0083     """
0084     @since("1.1.0")
0085     def predict(self, x):
0086         """
0087         Predict the label of one or more examples.
0089         .. note:: In Python, predict cannot currently be used within an RDD
0090             transformation or action.
0091             Call predict directly on the RDD instead.
0093         :param x:
0094           Data point (feature vector), or an RDD of data points (feature
0095           vectors).
0096         """
0097         if isinstance(x, RDD):
0098             return"predict",
0100         else:
0101             return"predict", _convert_to_vector(x))
0103     @since("1.1.0")
0104     def numNodes(self):
0105         """Get number of nodes in tree, including leaf nodes."""
0106         return self._java_model.numNodes()
0108     @since("1.1.0")
0109     def depth(self):
0110         """
0111         Get depth of tree (e.g. depth 0 means 1 leaf node, depth 1
0112         means 1 internal node + 2 leaf nodes).
0113         """
0114         return self._java_model.depth()
0116     def __repr__(self):
0117         """ summary of model. """
0118         return self._java_model.toString()
0120     @since("1.2.0")
0121     def toDebugString(self):
0122         """ full model. """
0123         return self._java_model.toDebugString()
0125     @classmethod
0126     def _java_loader_class(cls):
0127         return "org.apache.spark.mllib.tree.model.DecisionTreeModel"
0130 class DecisionTree(object):
0131     """
0132     Learning algorithm for a decision tree model for classification or
0133     regression.
0135     .. versionadded:: 1.1.0
0136     """
0138     @classmethod
0139     def _train(cls, data, type, numClasses, features, impurity="gini", maxDepth=5, maxBins=32,
0140                minInstancesPerNode=1, minInfoGain=0.0):
0141         first = data.first()
0142         assert isinstance(first, LabeledPoint), "the data should be RDD of LabeledPoint"
0143         model = callMLlibFunc("trainDecisionTreeModel", data, type, numClasses, features,
0144                               impurity, maxDepth, maxBins, minInstancesPerNode, minInfoGain)
0145         return DecisionTreeModel(model)
0147     @classmethod
0148     @since("1.1.0")
0149     def trainClassifier(cls, data, numClasses, categoricalFeaturesInfo,
0150                         impurity="gini", maxDepth=5, maxBins=32, minInstancesPerNode=1,
0151                         minInfoGain=0.0):
0152         """
0153         Train a decision tree model for classification.
0155         :param data:
0156           Training data: RDD of LabeledPoint. Labels should take values
0157           {0, 1, ..., numClasses-1}.
0158         :param numClasses:
0159           Number of classes for classification.
0160         :param categoricalFeaturesInfo:
0161           Map storing arity of categorical features. An entry (n -> k)
0162           indicates that feature n is categorical with k categories
0163           indexed from 0: {0, 1, ..., k-1}.
0164         :param impurity:
0165           Criterion used for information gain calculation.
0166           Supported values: "gini" or "entropy".
0167           (default: "gini")
0168         :param maxDepth:
0169           Maximum depth of tree (e.g. depth 0 means 1 leaf node, depth 1
0170           means 1 internal node + 2 leaf nodes).
0171           (default: 5)
0172         :param maxBins:
0173           Number of bins used for finding splits at each node.
0174           (default: 32)
0175         :param minInstancesPerNode:
0176           Minimum number of instances required at child nodes to create
0177           the parent split.
0178           (default: 1)
0179         :param minInfoGain:
0180           Minimum info gain required to create a split.
0181           (default: 0.0)
0182         :return:
0183           DecisionTreeModel.
0185         Example usage:
0187         >>> from numpy import array
0188         >>> from pyspark.mllib.regression import LabeledPoint
0189         >>> from pyspark.mllib.tree import DecisionTree
0190         >>>
0191         >>> data = [
0192         ...     LabeledPoint(0.0, [0.0]),
0193         ...     LabeledPoint(1.0, [1.0]),
0194         ...     LabeledPoint(1.0, [2.0]),
0195         ...     LabeledPoint(1.0, [3.0])
0196         ... ]
0197         >>> model = DecisionTree.trainClassifier(sc.parallelize(data), 2, {})
0198         >>> print(model)
0199         DecisionTreeModel classifier of depth 1 with 3 nodes
0201         >>> print(model.toDebugString())
0202         DecisionTreeModel classifier of depth 1 with 3 nodes
0203           If (feature 0 <= 0.5)
0204            Predict: 0.0
0205           Else (feature 0 > 0.5)
0206            Predict: 1.0
0207         <BLANKLINE>
0208         >>> model.predict(array([1.0]))
0209         1.0
0210         >>> model.predict(array([0.0]))
0211         0.0
0212         >>> rdd = sc.parallelize([[1.0], [0.0]])
0213         >>> model.predict(rdd).collect()
0214         [1.0, 0.0]
0215         """
0216         return cls._train(data, "classification", numClasses, categoricalFeaturesInfo,
0217                           impurity, maxDepth, maxBins, minInstancesPerNode, minInfoGain)
0219     @classmethod
0220     @since("1.1.0")
0221     def trainRegressor(cls, data, categoricalFeaturesInfo,
0222                        impurity="variance", maxDepth=5, maxBins=32, minInstancesPerNode=1,
0223                        minInfoGain=0.0):
0224         """
0225         Train a decision tree model for regression.
0227         :param data:
0228           Training data: RDD of LabeledPoint. Labels are real numbers.
0229         :param categoricalFeaturesInfo:
0230           Map storing arity of categorical features. An entry (n -> k)
0231           indicates that feature n is categorical with k categories
0232           indexed from 0: {0, 1, ..., k-1}.
0233         :param impurity:
0234           Criterion used for information gain calculation.
0235           The only supported value for regression is "variance".
0236           (default: "variance")
0237         :param maxDepth:
0238           Maximum depth of tree (e.g. depth 0 means 1 leaf node, depth 1
0239           means 1 internal node + 2 leaf nodes).
0240           (default: 5)
0241         :param maxBins:
0242           Number of bins used for finding splits at each node.
0243           (default: 32)
0244         :param minInstancesPerNode:
0245           Minimum number of instances required at child nodes to create
0246           the parent split.
0247           (default: 1)
0248         :param minInfoGain:
0249           Minimum info gain required to create a split.
0250           (default: 0.0)
0251         :return:
0252           DecisionTreeModel.
0254         Example usage:
0256         >>> from pyspark.mllib.regression import LabeledPoint
0257         >>> from pyspark.mllib.tree import DecisionTree
0258         >>> from pyspark.mllib.linalg import SparseVector
0259         >>>
0260         >>> sparse_data = [
0261         ...     LabeledPoint(0.0, SparseVector(2, {0: 0.0})),
0262         ...     LabeledPoint(1.0, SparseVector(2, {1: 1.0})),
0263         ...     LabeledPoint(0.0, SparseVector(2, {0: 0.0})),
0264         ...     LabeledPoint(1.0, SparseVector(2, {1: 2.0}))
0265         ... ]
0266         >>>
0267         >>> model = DecisionTree.trainRegressor(sc.parallelize(sparse_data), {})
0268         >>> model.predict(SparseVector(2, {1: 1.0}))
0269         1.0
0270         >>> model.predict(SparseVector(2, {1: 0.0}))
0271         0.0
0272         >>> rdd = sc.parallelize([[0.0, 1.0], [0.0, 0.0]])
0273         >>> model.predict(rdd).collect()
0274         [1.0, 0.0]
0275         """
0276         return cls._train(data, "regression", 0, categoricalFeaturesInfo,
0277                           impurity, maxDepth, maxBins, minInstancesPerNode, minInfoGain)
0280 @inherit_doc
0281 class RandomForestModel(TreeEnsembleModel, JavaLoader):
0282     """
0283     Represents a random forest model.
0285     .. versionadded:: 1.2.0
0286     """
0288     @classmethod
0289     def _java_loader_class(cls):
0290         return "org.apache.spark.mllib.tree.model.RandomForestModel"
0293 class RandomForest(object):
0294     """
0295     Learning algorithm for a random forest model for classification or
0296     regression.
0298     .. versionadded:: 1.2.0
0299     """
0301     supportedFeatureSubsetStrategies = ("auto", "all", "sqrt", "log2", "onethird")
0303     @classmethod
0304     def _train(cls, data, algo, numClasses, categoricalFeaturesInfo, numTrees,
0305                featureSubsetStrategy, impurity, maxDepth, maxBins, seed):
0306         first = data.first()
0307         assert isinstance(first, LabeledPoint), "the data should be RDD of LabeledPoint"
0308         if featureSubsetStrategy not in cls.supportedFeatureSubsetStrategies:
0309             raise ValueError("unsupported featureSubsetStrategy: %s" % featureSubsetStrategy)
0310         if seed is None:
0311             seed = random.randint(0, 1 << 30)
0312         model = callMLlibFunc("trainRandomForestModel", data, algo, numClasses,
0313                               categoricalFeaturesInfo, numTrees, featureSubsetStrategy, impurity,
0314                               maxDepth, maxBins, seed)
0315         return RandomForestModel(model)
0317     @classmethod
0318     @since("1.2.0")
0319     def trainClassifier(cls, data, numClasses, categoricalFeaturesInfo, numTrees,
0320                         featureSubsetStrategy="auto", impurity="gini", maxDepth=4, maxBins=32,
0321                         seed=None):
0322         """
0323         Train a random forest model for binary or multiclass
0324         classification.
0326         :param data:
0327           Training dataset: RDD of LabeledPoint. Labels should take values
0328           {0, 1, ..., numClasses-1}.
0329         :param numClasses:
0330           Number of classes for classification.
0331         :param categoricalFeaturesInfo:
0332           Map storing arity of categorical features. An entry (n -> k)
0333           indicates that feature n is categorical with k categories
0334           indexed from 0: {0, 1, ..., k-1}.
0335         :param numTrees:
0336           Number of trees in the random forest.
0337         :param featureSubsetStrategy:
0338           Number of features to consider for splits at each node.
0339           Supported values: "auto", "all", "sqrt", "log2", "onethird".
0340           If "auto" is set, this parameter is set based on numTrees:
0341           if numTrees == 1, set to "all";
0342           if numTrees > 1 (forest) set to "sqrt".
0343           (default: "auto")
0344         :param impurity:
0345           Criterion used for information gain calculation.
0346           Supported values: "gini" or "entropy".
0347           (default: "gini")
0348         :param maxDepth:
0349           Maximum depth of tree (e.g. depth 0 means 1 leaf node, depth 1
0350           means 1 internal node + 2 leaf nodes).
0351           (default: 4)
0352         :param maxBins:
0353           Maximum number of bins used for splitting features.
0354           (default: 32)
0355         :param seed:
0356           Random seed for bootstrapping and choosing feature subsets.
0357           Set as None to generate seed based on system time.
0358           (default: None)
0359         :return:
0360           RandomForestModel that can be used for prediction.
0362         Example usage:
0364         >>> from pyspark.mllib.regression import LabeledPoint
0365         >>> from pyspark.mllib.tree import RandomForest
0366         >>>
0367         >>> data = [
0368         ...     LabeledPoint(0.0, [0.0]),
0369         ...     LabeledPoint(0.0, [1.0]),
0370         ...     LabeledPoint(1.0, [2.0]),
0371         ...     LabeledPoint(1.0, [3.0])
0372         ... ]
0373         >>> model = RandomForest.trainClassifier(sc.parallelize(data), 2, {}, 3, seed=42)
0374         >>> model.numTrees()
0375         3
0376         >>> model.totalNumNodes()
0377         7
0378         >>> print(model)
0379         TreeEnsembleModel classifier with 3 trees
0380         <BLANKLINE>
0381         >>> print(model.toDebugString())
0382         TreeEnsembleModel classifier with 3 trees
0383         <BLANKLINE>
0384           Tree 0:
0385             Predict: 1.0
0386           Tree 1:
0387             If (feature 0 <= 1.5)
0388              Predict: 0.0
0389             Else (feature 0 > 1.5)
0390              Predict: 1.0
0391           Tree 2:
0392             If (feature 0 <= 1.5)
0393              Predict: 0.0
0394             Else (feature 0 > 1.5)
0395              Predict: 1.0
0396         <BLANKLINE>
0397         >>> model.predict([2.0])
0398         1.0
0399         >>> model.predict([0.0])
0400         0.0
0401         >>> rdd = sc.parallelize([[3.0], [1.0]])
0402         >>> model.predict(rdd).collect()
0403         [1.0, 0.0]
0404         """
0405         return cls._train(data, "classification", numClasses,
0406                           categoricalFeaturesInfo, numTrees, featureSubsetStrategy, impurity,
0407                           maxDepth, maxBins, seed)
0409     @classmethod
0410     @since("1.2.0")
0411     def trainRegressor(cls, data, categoricalFeaturesInfo, numTrees, featureSubsetStrategy="auto",
0412                        impurity="variance", maxDepth=4, maxBins=32, seed=None):
0413         """
0414         Train a random forest model for regression.
0416         :param data:
0417           Training dataset: RDD of LabeledPoint. Labels are real numbers.
0418         :param categoricalFeaturesInfo:
0419           Map storing arity of categorical features. An entry (n -> k)
0420           indicates that feature n is categorical with k categories
0421           indexed from 0: {0, 1, ..., k-1}.
0422         :param numTrees:
0423           Number of trees in the random forest.
0424         :param featureSubsetStrategy:
0425           Number of features to consider for splits at each node.
0426           Supported values: "auto", "all", "sqrt", "log2", "onethird".
0427           If "auto" is set, this parameter is set based on numTrees:
0428           if numTrees == 1, set to "all";
0429           if numTrees > 1 (forest) set to "onethird" for regression.
0430           (default: "auto")
0431         :param impurity:
0432           Criterion used for information gain calculation.
0433           The only supported value for regression is "variance".
0434           (default: "variance")
0435         :param maxDepth:
0436           Maximum depth of tree (e.g. depth 0 means 1 leaf node, depth 1
0437           means 1 internal node + 2 leaf nodes).
0438           (default: 4)
0439         :param maxBins:
0440           Maximum number of bins used for splitting features.
0441           (default: 32)
0442         :param seed:
0443           Random seed for bootstrapping and choosing feature subsets.
0444           Set as None to generate seed based on system time.
0445           (default: None)
0446         :return:
0447           RandomForestModel that can be used for prediction.
0449         Example usage:
0451         >>> from pyspark.mllib.regression import LabeledPoint
0452         >>> from pyspark.mllib.tree import RandomForest
0453         >>> from pyspark.mllib.linalg import SparseVector
0454         >>>
0455         >>> sparse_data = [
0456         ...     LabeledPoint(0.0, SparseVector(2, {0: 1.0})),
0457         ...     LabeledPoint(1.0, SparseVector(2, {1: 1.0})),
0458         ...     LabeledPoint(0.0, SparseVector(2, {0: 1.0})),
0459         ...     LabeledPoint(1.0, SparseVector(2, {1: 2.0}))
0460         ... ]
0461         >>>
0462         >>> model = RandomForest.trainRegressor(sc.parallelize(sparse_data), {}, 2, seed=42)
0463         >>> model.numTrees()
0464         2
0465         >>> model.totalNumNodes()
0466         4
0467         >>> model.predict(SparseVector(2, {1: 1.0}))
0468         1.0
0469         >>> model.predict(SparseVector(2, {0: 1.0}))
0470         0.5
0471         >>> rdd = sc.parallelize([[0.0, 1.0], [1.0, 0.0]])
0472         >>> model.predict(rdd).collect()
0473         [1.0, 0.5]
0474         """
0475         return cls._train(data, "regression", 0, categoricalFeaturesInfo, numTrees,
0476                           featureSubsetStrategy, impurity, maxDepth, maxBins, seed)
0479 @inherit_doc
0480 class GradientBoostedTreesModel(TreeEnsembleModel, JavaLoader):
0481     """
0482     Represents a gradient-boosted tree model.
0484     .. versionadded:: 1.3.0
0485     """
0487     @classmethod
0488     def _java_loader_class(cls):
0489         return "org.apache.spark.mllib.tree.model.GradientBoostedTreesModel"
0492 class GradientBoostedTrees(object):
0493     """
0494     Learning algorithm for a gradient boosted trees model for
0495     classification or regression.
0497     .. versionadded:: 1.3.0
0498     """
0500     @classmethod
0501     def _train(cls, data, algo, categoricalFeaturesInfo,
0502                loss, numIterations, learningRate, maxDepth, maxBins):
0503         first = data.first()
0504         assert isinstance(first, LabeledPoint), "the data should be RDD of LabeledPoint"
0505         model = callMLlibFunc("trainGradientBoostedTreesModel", data, algo, categoricalFeaturesInfo,
0506                               loss, numIterations, learningRate, maxDepth, maxBins)
0507         return GradientBoostedTreesModel(model)
0509     @classmethod
0510     @since("1.3.0")
0511     def trainClassifier(cls, data, categoricalFeaturesInfo,
0512                         loss="logLoss", numIterations=100, learningRate=0.1, maxDepth=3,
0513                         maxBins=32):
0514         """
0515         Train a gradient-boosted trees model for classification.
0517         :param data:
0518           Training dataset: RDD of LabeledPoint. Labels should take values
0519           {0, 1}.
0520         :param categoricalFeaturesInfo:
0521           Map storing arity of categorical features. An entry (n -> k)
0522           indicates that feature n is categorical with k categories
0523           indexed from 0: {0, 1, ..., k-1}.
0524         :param loss:
0525           Loss function used for minimization during gradient boosting.
0526           Supported values: "logLoss", "leastSquaresError",
0527           "leastAbsoluteError".
0528           (default: "logLoss")
0529         :param numIterations:
0530           Number of iterations of boosting.
0531           (default: 100)
0532         :param learningRate:
0533           Learning rate for shrinking the contribution of each estimator.
0534           The learning rate should be between in the interval (0, 1].
0535           (default: 0.1)
0536         :param maxDepth:
0537           Maximum depth of tree (e.g. depth 0 means 1 leaf node, depth 1
0538           means 1 internal node + 2 leaf nodes).
0539           (default: 3)
0540         :param maxBins:
0541           Maximum number of bins used for splitting features. DecisionTree
0542           requires maxBins >= max categories.
0543           (default: 32)
0544         :return:
0545           GradientBoostedTreesModel that can be used for prediction.
0547         Example usage:
0549         >>> from pyspark.mllib.regression import LabeledPoint
0550         >>> from pyspark.mllib.tree import GradientBoostedTrees
0551         >>>
0552         >>> data = [
0553         ...     LabeledPoint(0.0, [0.0]),
0554         ...     LabeledPoint(0.0, [1.0]),
0555         ...     LabeledPoint(1.0, [2.0]),
0556         ...     LabeledPoint(1.0, [3.0])
0557         ... ]
0558         >>>
0559         >>> model = GradientBoostedTrees.trainClassifier(sc.parallelize(data), {}, numIterations=10)
0560         >>> model.numTrees()
0561         10
0562         >>> model.totalNumNodes()
0563         30
0564         >>> print(model)  # it already has newline
0565         TreeEnsembleModel classifier with 10 trees
0566         <BLANKLINE>
0567         >>> model.predict([2.0])
0568         1.0
0569         >>> model.predict([0.0])
0570         0.0
0571         >>> rdd = sc.parallelize([[2.0], [0.0]])
0572         >>> model.predict(rdd).collect()
0573         [1.0, 0.0]
0574         """
0575         return cls._train(data, "classification", categoricalFeaturesInfo,
0576                           loss, numIterations, learningRate, maxDepth, maxBins)
0578     @classmethod
0579     @since("1.3.0")
0580     def trainRegressor(cls, data, categoricalFeaturesInfo,
0581                        loss="leastSquaresError", numIterations=100, learningRate=0.1, maxDepth=3,
0582                        maxBins=32):
0583         """
0584         Train a gradient-boosted trees model for regression.
0586         :param data:
0587           Training dataset: RDD of LabeledPoint. Labels are real numbers.
0588         :param categoricalFeaturesInfo:
0589           Map storing arity of categorical features. An entry (n -> k)
0590           indicates that feature n is categorical with k categories
0591           indexed from 0: {0, 1, ..., k-1}.
0592         :param loss:
0593           Loss function used for minimization during gradient boosting.
0594           Supported values: "logLoss", "leastSquaresError",
0595           "leastAbsoluteError".
0596           (default: "leastSquaresError")
0597         :param numIterations:
0598           Number of iterations of boosting.
0599           (default: 100)
0600         :param learningRate:
0601           Learning rate for shrinking the contribution of each estimator.
0602           The learning rate should be between in the interval (0, 1].
0603           (default: 0.1)
0604         :param maxDepth:
0605           Maximum depth of tree (e.g. depth 0 means 1 leaf node, depth 1
0606           means 1 internal node + 2 leaf nodes).
0607           (default: 3)
0608         :param maxBins:
0609           Maximum number of bins used for splitting features. DecisionTree
0610           requires maxBins >= max categories.
0611           (default: 32)
0612         :return:
0613           GradientBoostedTreesModel that can be used for prediction.
0615         Example usage:
0617         >>> from pyspark.mllib.regression import LabeledPoint
0618         >>> from pyspark.mllib.tree import GradientBoostedTrees
0619         >>> from pyspark.mllib.linalg import SparseVector
0620         >>>
0621         >>> sparse_data = [
0622         ...     LabeledPoint(0.0, SparseVector(2, {0: 1.0})),
0623         ...     LabeledPoint(1.0, SparseVector(2, {1: 1.0})),
0624         ...     LabeledPoint(0.0, SparseVector(2, {0: 1.0})),
0625         ...     LabeledPoint(1.0, SparseVector(2, {1: 2.0}))
0626         ... ]
0627         >>>
0628         >>> data = sc.parallelize(sparse_data)
0629         >>> model = GradientBoostedTrees.trainRegressor(data, {}, numIterations=10)
0630         >>> model.numTrees()
0631         10
0632         >>> model.totalNumNodes()
0633         12
0634         >>> model.predict(SparseVector(2, {1: 1.0}))
0635         1.0
0636         >>> model.predict(SparseVector(2, {0: 1.0}))
0637         0.0
0638         >>> rdd = sc.parallelize([[0.0, 1.0], [1.0, 0.0]])
0639         >>> model.predict(rdd).collect()
0640         [1.0, 0.0]
0641         """
0642         return cls._train(data, "regression", categoricalFeaturesInfo,
0643                           loss, numIterations, learningRate, maxDepth, maxBins)
0646 def _test():
0647     import doctest
0648     globs = globals().copy()
0649     from pyspark.sql import SparkSession
0650     spark = SparkSession.builder\
0651         .master("local[4]")\
0652         .appName("mllib.tree tests")\
0653         .getOrCreate()
0654     globs['sc'] = spark.sparkContext
0655     (failure_count, test_count) = doctest.testmod(globs=globs, optionflags=doctest.ELLIPSIS)
0656     spark.stop()
0657     if failure_count:
0658         sys.exit(-1)
0660 if __name__ == "__main__":
0661     _test()