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0018 """
0019 A simple example demonstrating model selection using CrossValidator.
0020 This example also demonstrates how Pipelines are Estimators.
0021 Run with:
0023   bin/spark-submit examples/src/main/python/ml/
0024 """
0025 from __future__ import print_function
0027 # $example on$
0028 from import Pipeline
0029 from import LogisticRegression
0030 from import BinaryClassificationEvaluator
0031 from import HashingTF, Tokenizer
0032 from import CrossValidator, ParamGridBuilder
0033 # $example off$
0034 from pyspark.sql import SparkSession
0036 if __name__ == "__main__":
0037     spark = SparkSession\
0038         .builder\
0039         .appName("CrossValidatorExample")\
0040         .getOrCreate()
0042     # $example on$
0043     # Prepare training documents, which are labeled.
0044     training = spark.createDataFrame([
0045         (0, "a b c d e spark", 1.0),
0046         (1, "b d", 0.0),
0047         (2, "spark f g h", 1.0),
0048         (3, "hadoop mapreduce", 0.0),
0049         (4, "b spark who", 1.0),
0050         (5, "g d a y", 0.0),
0051         (6, "spark fly", 1.0),
0052         (7, "was mapreduce", 0.0),
0053         (8, "e spark program", 1.0),
0054         (9, "a e c l", 0.0),
0055         (10, "spark compile", 1.0),
0056         (11, "hadoop software", 0.0)
0057     ], ["id", "text", "label"])
0059     # Configure an ML pipeline, which consists of tree stages: tokenizer, hashingTF, and lr.
0060     tokenizer = Tokenizer(inputCol="text", outputCol="words")
0061     hashingTF = HashingTF(inputCol=tokenizer.getOutputCol(), outputCol="features")
0062     lr = LogisticRegression(maxIter=10)
0063     pipeline = Pipeline(stages=[tokenizer, hashingTF, lr])
0065     # We now treat the Pipeline as an Estimator, wrapping it in a CrossValidator instance.
0066     # This will allow us to jointly choose parameters for all Pipeline stages.
0067     # A CrossValidator requires an Estimator, a set of Estimator ParamMaps, and an Evaluator.
0068     # We use a ParamGridBuilder to construct a grid of parameters to search over.
0069     # With 3 values for hashingTF.numFeatures and 2 values for lr.regParam,
0070     # this grid will have 3 x 2 = 6 parameter settings for CrossValidator to choose from.
0071     paramGrid = ParamGridBuilder() \
0072         .addGrid(hashingTF.numFeatures, [10, 100, 1000]) \
0073         .addGrid(lr.regParam, [0.1, 0.01]) \
0074         .build()
0076     crossval = CrossValidator(estimator=pipeline,
0077                               estimatorParamMaps=paramGrid,
0078                               evaluator=BinaryClassificationEvaluator(),
0079                               numFolds=2)  # use 3+ folds in practice
0081     # Run cross-validation, and choose the best set of parameters.
0082     cvModel =
0084     # Prepare test documents, which are unlabeled.
0085     test = spark.createDataFrame([
0086         (4, "spark i j k"),
0087         (5, "l m n"),
0088         (6, "mapreduce spark"),
0089         (7, "apache hadoop")
0090     ], ["id", "text"])
0092     # Make predictions on test documents. cvModel uses the best model found (lrModel).
0093     prediction = cvModel.transform(test)
0094     selected ="id", "text", "probability", "prediction")
0095     for row in selected.collect():
0096         print(row)
0097     # $example off$
0099     spark.stop()