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0001 /*
0002  * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
0003  * contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file distributed with
0004  * this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
0005  * The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
0006  * (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
0007  * the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
0008  *
0009  *
0010  *
0011  * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
0012  * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
0013  * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
0014  * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
0015  * limitations under the License.
0016  */
0018 package org.apache.spark.util.collection.unsafe.sort;
0020 import;
0021 import;
0022 import java.util.Arrays;
0023 import java.util.LinkedList;
0024 import java.util.UUID;
0026 import org.hamcrest.Matchers;
0027 import scala.Tuple2$;
0029 import org.junit.After;
0030 import org.junit.Before;
0031 import org.junit.Test;
0032 import org.mockito.Mock;
0033 import org.mockito.MockitoAnnotations;
0035 import org.apache.spark.SparkConf;
0036 import org.apache.spark.TaskContext;
0037 import org.apache.spark.executor.ShuffleWriteMetrics;
0038 import org.apache.spark.executor.TaskMetrics;
0039 import org.apache.spark.internal.config.package$;
0040 import org.apache.spark.memory.TestMemoryManager;
0041 import org.apache.spark.memory.SparkOutOfMemoryError;
0042 import org.apache.spark.memory.TaskMemoryManager;
0043 import org.apache.spark.serializer.JavaSerializer;
0044 import org.apache.spark.serializer.SerializerInstance;
0045 import org.apache.spark.serializer.SerializerManager;
0046 import*;
0047 import org.apache.spark.unsafe.Platform;
0048 import org.apache.spark.util.Utils;
0050 import static org.hamcrest.Matchers.greaterThan;
0051 import static org.hamcrest.Matchers.greaterThanOrEqualTo;
0052 import static org.junit.Assert.*;
0053 import static org.mockito.Answers.RETURNS_SMART_NULLS;
0054 import static org.mockito.Mockito.*;
0056 public class UnsafeExternalSorterSuite {
0058   private final SparkConf conf = new SparkConf();
0060   final LinkedList<File> spillFilesCreated = new LinkedList<>();
0061   final TestMemoryManager memoryManager =
0062     new TestMemoryManager(conf.clone().set(package$.MODULE$.MEMORY_OFFHEAP_ENABLED(), false));
0063   final TaskMemoryManager taskMemoryManager = new TaskMemoryManager(memoryManager, 0);
0064   final SerializerManager serializerManager = new SerializerManager(
0065     new JavaSerializer(conf),
0066     conf.clone().set(package$.MODULE$.SHUFFLE_SPILL_COMPRESS(), false));
0067   // Use integer comparison for comparing prefixes (which are partition ids, in this case)
0068   final PrefixComparator prefixComparator = PrefixComparators.LONG;
0069   // Since the key fits within the 8-byte prefix, we don't need to do any record comparison, so
0070   // use a dummy comparator
0071   final RecordComparator recordComparator = new RecordComparator() {
0072     @Override
0073     public int compare(
0074       Object leftBaseObject,
0075       long leftBaseOffset,
0076       int leftBaseLength,
0077       Object rightBaseObject,
0078       long rightBaseOffset,
0079       int rightBaseLength) {
0080       return 0;
0081     }
0082   };
0084   File tempDir;
0085   @Mock(answer = RETURNS_SMART_NULLS) BlockManager blockManager;
0086   @Mock(answer = RETURNS_SMART_NULLS) DiskBlockManager diskBlockManager;
0087   @Mock(answer = RETURNS_SMART_NULLS) TaskContext taskContext;
0089   protected boolean shouldUseRadixSort() { return false; }
0091   private final long pageSizeBytes = conf.getSizeAsBytes(
0092           package$.MODULE$.BUFFER_PAGESIZE().key(), "4m");
0094   private final int spillThreshold =
0097   @Before
0098   public void setUp() {
0099     MockitoAnnotations.initMocks(this);
0100     tempDir = Utils.createTempDir(System.getProperty(""), "unsafe-test");
0101     spillFilesCreated.clear();
0102     taskContext = mock(TaskContext.class);
0103     when(taskContext.taskMetrics()).thenReturn(new TaskMetrics());
0104     when(blockManager.diskBlockManager()).thenReturn(diskBlockManager);
0105     when(diskBlockManager.createTempLocalBlock()).thenAnswer(invocationOnMock -> {
0106       TempLocalBlockId blockId = new TempLocalBlockId(UUID.randomUUID());
0107       File file = File.createTempFile("spillFile", ".spill", tempDir);
0108       spillFilesCreated.add(file);
0109       return Tuple2$.MODULE$.apply(blockId, file);
0110     });
0111     when(blockManager.getDiskWriter(
0112       any(BlockId.class),
0113       any(File.class),
0114       any(SerializerInstance.class),
0115       anyInt(),
0116       any(ShuffleWriteMetrics.class))).thenAnswer(invocationOnMock -> {
0117         Object[] args = invocationOnMock.getArguments();
0119         return new DiskBlockObjectWriter(
0120           (File) args[1],
0121           serializerManager,
0122           (SerializerInstance) args[2],
0123           (Integer) args[3],
0124           false,
0125           (ShuffleWriteMetrics) args[4],
0126           (BlockId) args[0]
0127         );
0128       });
0129   }
0131   @After
0132   public void tearDown() {
0133     try {
0134       assertEquals(0L, taskMemoryManager.cleanUpAllAllocatedMemory());
0135     } finally {
0136       Utils.deleteRecursively(tempDir);
0137       tempDir = null;
0138     }
0139   }
0141   private void assertSpillFilesWereCleanedUp() {
0142     for (File spillFile : spillFilesCreated) {
0143       assertFalse("Spill file " + spillFile.getPath() + " was not cleaned up",
0144         spillFile.exists());
0145     }
0146   }
0148   private static void insertNumber(UnsafeExternalSorter sorter, int value) throws Exception {
0149     final int[] arr = new int[]{ value };
0150     sorter.insertRecord(arr, Platform.INT_ARRAY_OFFSET, 4, value, false);
0151   }
0153   private static void insertRecord(
0154       UnsafeExternalSorter sorter,
0155       int[] record,
0156       long prefix) throws IOException {
0157     sorter.insertRecord(record, Platform.INT_ARRAY_OFFSET, record.length * 4, prefix, false);
0158   }
0160   private UnsafeExternalSorter newSorter() throws IOException {
0161     return UnsafeExternalSorter.create(
0162       taskMemoryManager,
0163       blockManager,
0164       serializerManager,
0165       taskContext,
0166       () -> recordComparator,
0167       prefixComparator,
0168       /* initialSize */ 1024,
0169       pageSizeBytes,
0170       spillThreshold,
0171       shouldUseRadixSort());
0172   }
0174   @Test
0175   public void testSortingOnlyByPrefix() throws Exception {
0176     final UnsafeExternalSorter sorter = newSorter();
0177     insertNumber(sorter, 5);
0178     insertNumber(sorter, 1);
0179     insertNumber(sorter, 3);
0180     sorter.spill();
0181     insertNumber(sorter, 4);
0182     sorter.spill();
0183     insertNumber(sorter, 2);
0185     UnsafeSorterIterator iter = sorter.getSortedIterator();
0187     for (int i = 1; i <= 5; i++) {
0188       iter.loadNext();
0189       assertEquals(i, iter.getKeyPrefix());
0190       assertEquals(4, iter.getRecordLength());
0191       assertEquals(i, Platform.getInt(iter.getBaseObject(), iter.getBaseOffset()));
0192     }
0194     sorter.cleanupResources();
0195     assertSpillFilesWereCleanedUp();
0196   }
0198   @Test
0199   public void testSortingEmptyArrays() throws Exception {
0200     final UnsafeExternalSorter sorter = newSorter();
0201     sorter.insertRecord(null, 0, 0, 0, false);
0202     sorter.insertRecord(null, 0, 0, 0, false);
0203     sorter.spill();
0204     sorter.insertRecord(null, 0, 0, 0, false);
0205     sorter.spill();
0206     sorter.insertRecord(null, 0, 0, 0, false);
0207     sorter.insertRecord(null, 0, 0, 0, false);
0209     UnsafeSorterIterator iter = sorter.getSortedIterator();
0211     for (int i = 1; i <= 5; i++) {
0212       iter.loadNext();
0213       assertEquals(0, iter.getKeyPrefix());
0214       assertEquals(0, iter.getRecordLength());
0215     }
0217     sorter.cleanupResources();
0218     assertSpillFilesWereCleanedUp();
0219   }
0221   @Test
0222   public void testSortTimeMetric() throws Exception {
0223     final UnsafeExternalSorter sorter = newSorter();
0224     long prevSortTime = sorter.getSortTimeNanos();
0225     assertEquals(0, prevSortTime);
0227     sorter.insertRecord(null, 0, 0, 0, false);
0228     sorter.spill();
0229     assertThat(sorter.getSortTimeNanos(), greaterThan(prevSortTime));
0230     prevSortTime = sorter.getSortTimeNanos();
0232     sorter.spill();  // no sort needed
0233     assertEquals(prevSortTime, sorter.getSortTimeNanos());
0235     sorter.insertRecord(null, 0, 0, 0, false);
0236     UnsafeSorterIterator iter = sorter.getSortedIterator();
0237     assertThat(sorter.getSortTimeNanos(), greaterThan(prevSortTime));
0239     sorter.cleanupResources();
0240     assertSpillFilesWereCleanedUp();
0241   }
0243   @Test
0244   public void spillingOccursInResponseToMemoryPressure() throws Exception {
0245     final UnsafeExternalSorter sorter = newSorter();
0246     // This should be enough records to completely fill up a data page:
0247     final int numRecords = (int) (pageSizeBytes / (4 + 4));
0248     for (int i = 0; i < numRecords; i++) {
0249       insertNumber(sorter, numRecords - i);
0250     }
0251     assertEquals(1, sorter.getNumberOfAllocatedPages());
0252     memoryManager.markExecutionAsOutOfMemoryOnce();
0253     // The insertion of this record should trigger a spill:
0254     insertNumber(sorter, 0);
0255     // Ensure that spill files were created
0256     assertThat(tempDir.listFiles().length, greaterThanOrEqualTo(1));
0257     // Read back the sorted data:
0258     UnsafeSorterIterator iter = sorter.getSortedIterator();
0260     int i = 0;
0261     while (iter.hasNext()) {
0262       iter.loadNext();
0263       assertEquals(i, iter.getKeyPrefix());
0264       assertEquals(4, iter.getRecordLength());
0265       assertEquals(i, Platform.getInt(iter.getBaseObject(), iter.getBaseOffset()));
0266       i++;
0267     }
0268     assertEquals(numRecords + 1, i);
0269     sorter.cleanupResources();
0270     assertSpillFilesWereCleanedUp();
0271   }
0273   @Test
0274   public void testFillingPage() throws Exception {
0275     final UnsafeExternalSorter sorter = newSorter();
0276     byte[] record = new byte[16];
0277     while (sorter.getNumberOfAllocatedPages() < 2) {
0278       sorter.insertRecord(record, Platform.BYTE_ARRAY_OFFSET, record.length, 0, false);
0279     }
0280     sorter.cleanupResources();
0281     assertSpillFilesWereCleanedUp();
0282   }
0284   @Test
0285   public void sortingRecordsThatExceedPageSize() throws Exception {
0286     final UnsafeExternalSorter sorter = newSorter();
0287     final int[] largeRecord = new int[(int) pageSizeBytes + 16];
0288     Arrays.fill(largeRecord, 456);
0289     final int[] smallRecord = new int[100];
0290     Arrays.fill(smallRecord, 123);
0292     insertRecord(sorter, largeRecord, 456);
0293     sorter.spill();
0294     insertRecord(sorter, smallRecord, 123);
0295     sorter.spill();
0296     insertRecord(sorter, smallRecord, 123);
0297     insertRecord(sorter, largeRecord, 456);
0299     UnsafeSorterIterator iter = sorter.getSortedIterator();
0300     // Small record
0301     assertTrue(iter.hasNext());
0302     iter.loadNext();
0303     assertEquals(123, iter.getKeyPrefix());
0304     assertEquals(smallRecord.length * 4, iter.getRecordLength());
0305     assertEquals(123, Platform.getInt(iter.getBaseObject(), iter.getBaseOffset()));
0306     // Small record
0307     assertTrue(iter.hasNext());
0308     iter.loadNext();
0309     assertEquals(123, iter.getKeyPrefix());
0310     assertEquals(smallRecord.length * 4, iter.getRecordLength());
0311     assertEquals(123, Platform.getInt(iter.getBaseObject(), iter.getBaseOffset()));
0312     // Large record
0313     assertTrue(iter.hasNext());
0314     iter.loadNext();
0315     assertEquals(456, iter.getKeyPrefix());
0316     assertEquals(largeRecord.length * 4, iter.getRecordLength());
0317     assertEquals(456, Platform.getInt(iter.getBaseObject(), iter.getBaseOffset()));
0318     // Large record
0319     assertTrue(iter.hasNext());
0320     iter.loadNext();
0321     assertEquals(456, iter.getKeyPrefix());
0322     assertEquals(largeRecord.length * 4, iter.getRecordLength());
0323     assertEquals(456, Platform.getInt(iter.getBaseObject(), iter.getBaseOffset()));
0325     assertFalse(iter.hasNext());
0326     sorter.cleanupResources();
0327     assertSpillFilesWereCleanedUp();
0328   }
0330   @Test
0331   public void forcedSpillingWithReadIterator() throws Exception {
0332     final UnsafeExternalSorter sorter = newSorter();
0333     long[] record = new long[100];
0334     int recordSize = record.length * 8;
0335     int n = (int) pageSizeBytes / recordSize * 3;
0336     for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
0337       record[0] = (long) i;
0338       sorter.insertRecord(record, Platform.LONG_ARRAY_OFFSET, recordSize, 0, false);
0339     }
0340     assertTrue(sorter.getNumberOfAllocatedPages() >= 2);
0341     UnsafeExternalSorter.SpillableIterator iter =
0342       (UnsafeExternalSorter.SpillableIterator) sorter.getSortedIterator();
0343     int lastv = 0;
0344     for (int i = 0; i < n / 3; i++) {
0345       iter.hasNext();
0346       iter.loadNext();
0347       assertTrue(Platform.getLong(iter.getBaseObject(), iter.getBaseOffset()) == i);
0348       lastv = i;
0349     }
0350     assertTrue(iter.spill() > 0);
0351     assertEquals(0, iter.spill());
0352     assertTrue(Platform.getLong(iter.getBaseObject(), iter.getBaseOffset()) == lastv);
0353     for (int i = n / 3; i < n; i++) {
0354       iter.hasNext();
0355       iter.loadNext();
0356       assertEquals(i, Platform.getLong(iter.getBaseObject(), iter.getBaseOffset()));
0357     }
0358     sorter.cleanupResources();
0359     assertSpillFilesWereCleanedUp();
0360   }
0362   @Test
0363   public void forcedSpillingWithNotReadIterator() throws Exception {
0364     final UnsafeExternalSorter sorter = newSorter();
0365     long[] record = new long[100];
0366     int recordSize = record.length * 8;
0367     int n = (int) pageSizeBytes / recordSize * 3;
0368     for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
0369       record[0] = (long) i;
0370       sorter.insertRecord(record, Platform.LONG_ARRAY_OFFSET, recordSize, 0, false);
0371     }
0372     assertTrue(sorter.getNumberOfAllocatedPages() >= 2);
0373     UnsafeExternalSorter.SpillableIterator iter =
0374       (UnsafeExternalSorter.SpillableIterator) sorter.getSortedIterator();
0375     assertTrue(iter.spill() > 0);
0376     assertEquals(0, iter.spill());
0377     for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
0378       iter.hasNext();
0379       iter.loadNext();
0380       assertEquals(i, Platform.getLong(iter.getBaseObject(), iter.getBaseOffset()));
0381     }
0382     sorter.cleanupResources();
0383     assertSpillFilesWereCleanedUp();
0384   }
0386   @Test
0387   public void forcedSpillingWithoutComparator() throws Exception {
0388     final UnsafeExternalSorter sorter = UnsafeExternalSorter.create(
0389       taskMemoryManager,
0390       blockManager,
0391       serializerManager,
0392       taskContext,
0393       null,
0394       null,
0395       /* initialSize */ 1024,
0396       pageSizeBytes,
0397       spillThreshold,
0398       shouldUseRadixSort());
0399     long[] record = new long[100];
0400     int recordSize = record.length * 8;
0401     int n = (int) pageSizeBytes / recordSize * 3;
0402     int batch = n / 4;
0403     for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
0404       record[0] = (long) i;
0405       sorter.insertRecord(record, Platform.LONG_ARRAY_OFFSET, recordSize, 0, false);
0406       if (i % batch == batch - 1) {
0407         sorter.spill();
0408       }
0409     }
0410     UnsafeSorterIterator iter = sorter.getIterator(0);
0411     for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
0412       iter.hasNext();
0413       iter.loadNext();
0414       assertEquals(i, Platform.getLong(iter.getBaseObject(), iter.getBaseOffset()));
0415     }
0416     sorter.cleanupResources();
0417     assertSpillFilesWereCleanedUp();
0418   }
0420   @Test
0421   public void testDiskSpilledBytes() throws Exception {
0422     final UnsafeExternalSorter sorter = newSorter();
0423     long[] record = new long[100];
0424     int recordSize = record.length * 8;
0425     int n = (int) pageSizeBytes / recordSize * 3;
0426     for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
0427       record[0] = (long) i;
0428       sorter.insertRecord(record, Platform.LONG_ARRAY_OFFSET, recordSize, 0, false);
0429     }
0430     // We will have at-least 2 memory pages allocated because of rounding happening due to
0431     // integer division of pageSizeBytes and recordSize.
0432     assertTrue(sorter.getNumberOfAllocatedPages() >= 2);
0433     assertTrue(taskContext.taskMetrics().diskBytesSpilled() == 0);
0434     UnsafeExternalSorter.SpillableIterator iter =
0435             (UnsafeExternalSorter.SpillableIterator) sorter.getSortedIterator();
0436     assertTrue(iter.spill() > 0);
0437     assertTrue(taskContext.taskMetrics().diskBytesSpilled() > 0);
0438     assertEquals(0, iter.spill());
0439     // Even if we did not spill second time, the disk spilled bytes should still be non-zero
0440     assertTrue(taskContext.taskMetrics().diskBytesSpilled() > 0);
0441     sorter.cleanupResources();
0442     assertSpillFilesWereCleanedUp();
0443   }
0445   @Test
0446   public void testPeakMemoryUsed() throws Exception {
0447     final long recordLengthBytes = 8;
0448     final long pageSizeBytes = 256;
0449     final long numRecordsPerPage = pageSizeBytes / recordLengthBytes;
0450     final UnsafeExternalSorter sorter = UnsafeExternalSorter.create(
0451       taskMemoryManager,
0452       blockManager,
0453       serializerManager,
0454       taskContext,
0455       () -> recordComparator,
0456       prefixComparator,
0457       1024,
0458       pageSizeBytes,
0459       spillThreshold,
0460       shouldUseRadixSort());
0462     // Peak memory should be monotonically increasing. More specifically, every time
0463     // we allocate a new page it should increase by exactly the size of the page.
0464     long previousPeakMemory = sorter.getPeakMemoryUsedBytes();
0465     long newPeakMemory;
0466     try {
0467       for (int i = 0; i < numRecordsPerPage * 10; i++) {
0468         insertNumber(sorter, i);
0469         newPeakMemory = sorter.getPeakMemoryUsedBytes();
0470         if (i % numRecordsPerPage == 0) {
0471           // We allocated a new page for this record, so peak memory should change
0472           assertEquals(previousPeakMemory + pageSizeBytes, newPeakMemory);
0473         } else {
0474           assertEquals(previousPeakMemory, newPeakMemory);
0475         }
0476         previousPeakMemory = newPeakMemory;
0477       }
0479       // Spilling should not change peak memory
0480       sorter.spill();
0481       newPeakMemory = sorter.getPeakMemoryUsedBytes();
0482       assertEquals(previousPeakMemory, newPeakMemory);
0483       for (int i = 0; i < numRecordsPerPage; i++) {
0484         insertNumber(sorter, i);
0485       }
0486       newPeakMemory = sorter.getPeakMemoryUsedBytes();
0487       assertEquals(previousPeakMemory, newPeakMemory);
0488     } finally {
0489       sorter.cleanupResources();
0490       assertSpillFilesWereCleanedUp();
0491     }
0492   }
0494   @Test
0495   public void testGetIterator() throws Exception {
0496     final UnsafeExternalSorter sorter = newSorter();
0497     for (int i = 0; i < 100; i++) {
0498       insertNumber(sorter, i);
0499     }
0500     verifyIntIterator(sorter.getIterator(0), 0, 100);
0501     verifyIntIterator(sorter.getIterator(79), 79, 100);
0503     sorter.spill();
0504     for (int i = 100; i < 200; i++) {
0505       insertNumber(sorter, i);
0506     }
0507     sorter.spill();
0508     verifyIntIterator(sorter.getIterator(79), 79, 200);
0510     for (int i = 200; i < 300; i++) {
0511       insertNumber(sorter, i);
0512     }
0513     verifyIntIterator(sorter.getIterator(79), 79, 300);
0514     verifyIntIterator(sorter.getIterator(139), 139, 300);
0515     verifyIntIterator(sorter.getIterator(279), 279, 300);
0516     sorter.cleanupResources();
0517     assertSpillFilesWereCleanedUp();
0518   }
0520   @Test
0521   public void testOOMDuringSpill() throws Exception {
0522     final UnsafeExternalSorter sorter = newSorter();
0523     // we assume that given default configuration,
0524     // the size of the data we insert to the sorter (ints)
0525     // and assuming we shouldn't spill before pointers array is exhausted
0526     // (memory manager is not configured to throw at this point)
0527     // - so this loop runs a reasonable number of iterations (<2000).
0528     // test indeed completed within <30ms (on a quad i7 laptop).
0529     for (int i = 0; sorter.hasSpaceForAnotherRecord(); ++i) {
0530       insertNumber(sorter, i);
0531     }
0532     // we expect the next insert to attempt growing the pointerssArray first
0533     // allocation is expected to fail, then a spill is triggered which
0534     // attempts another allocation which also fails and we expect to see this
0535     // OOM here.  the original code messed with a released array within the
0536     // spill code and ended up with a failed assertion.  we also expect the
0537     // location of the OOM to be
0538     // org.apache.spark.util.collection.unsafe.sort.UnsafeInMemorySorter.reset
0539     memoryManager.markconsequentOOM(2);
0540     try {
0541       insertNumber(sorter, 1024);
0542       fail("expected OutOfMmoryError but it seems operation surprisingly succeeded");
0543     }
0544     // we expect an SparkOutOfMemoryError here, anything else (i.e the original NPE is a failure)
0545     catch (SparkOutOfMemoryError oom){
0546       String oomStackTrace = Utils.exceptionString(oom);
0547       assertThat("expected SparkOutOfMemoryError in " +
0548         "org.apache.spark.util.collection.unsafe.sort.UnsafeInMemorySorter.reset",
0549         oomStackTrace,
0550         Matchers.containsString(
0551           "org.apache.spark.util.collection.unsafe.sort.UnsafeInMemorySorter.reset"));
0552     }
0553   }
0555   private void verifyIntIterator(UnsafeSorterIterator iter, int start, int end)
0556       throws IOException {
0557     for (int i = start; i < end; i++) {
0558       assert (iter.hasNext());
0559       iter.loadNext();
0560       assert (Platform.getInt(iter.getBaseObject(), iter.getBaseOffset()) == i);
0561     }
0562   }
0563 }