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0001 /*
0002  * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
0003  * contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file distributed with
0004  * this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
0005  * The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
0006  * (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
0007  * the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
0008  *
0009  *
0010  *
0011  * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
0012  * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
0013  * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
0014  * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
0015  * limitations under the License.
0016  */
0018 package;
0020 import;
0021 import;
0022 import java.math.BigInteger;
0023 import;
0024 import java.util.Arrays;
0025 import java.util.Properties;
0026 import javax.crypto.Cipher;
0027 import javax.crypto.SecretKey;
0028 import javax.crypto.SecretKeyFactory;
0029 import javax.crypto.ShortBufferException;
0030 import javax.crypto.spec.IvParameterSpec;
0031 import javax.crypto.spec.PBEKeySpec;
0032 import javax.crypto.spec.SecretKeySpec;
0033 import static java.nio.charset.StandardCharsets.UTF_8;
0035 import;
0036 import;
0037 import;
0038 import org.apache.commons.crypto.cipher.CryptoCipher;
0039 import org.apache.commons.crypto.cipher.CryptoCipherFactory;
0040 import org.apache.commons.crypto.random.CryptoRandom;
0041 import org.apache.commons.crypto.random.CryptoRandomFactory;
0042 import org.slf4j.Logger;
0043 import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;
0045 import;
0047 /**
0048  * A helper class for abstracting authentication and key negotiation details. This is used by
0049  * both client and server sides, since the operations are basically the same.
0050  */
0051 class AuthEngine implements Closeable {
0053   private static final Logger LOG = LoggerFactory.getLogger(AuthEngine.class);
0054   private static final BigInteger ONE = new BigInteger(new byte[] { 0x1 });
0056   private final byte[] appId;
0057   private final char[] secret;
0058   private final TransportConf conf;
0059   private final Properties cryptoConf;
0060   private final CryptoRandom random;
0062   private byte[] authNonce;
0064   @VisibleForTesting
0065   byte[] challenge;
0067   private TransportCipher sessionCipher;
0068   private CryptoCipher encryptor;
0069   private CryptoCipher decryptor;
0071   AuthEngine(String appId, String secret, TransportConf conf) throws GeneralSecurityException {
0072     this.appId = appId.getBytes(UTF_8);
0073     this.conf = conf;
0074     this.cryptoConf = conf.cryptoConf();
0075     this.secret = secret.toCharArray();
0076     this.random = CryptoRandomFactory.getCryptoRandom(cryptoConf);
0077   }
0079   /**
0080    * Create the client challenge.
0081    *
0082    * @return A challenge to be sent the remote side.
0083    */
0084   ClientChallenge challenge() throws GeneralSecurityException {
0085     this.authNonce = randomBytes(conf.encryptionKeyLength() / Byte.SIZE);
0086     SecretKeySpec authKey = generateKey(conf.keyFactoryAlgorithm(), conf.keyFactoryIterations(),
0087       authNonce, conf.encryptionKeyLength());
0088     initializeForAuth(conf.cipherTransformation(), authNonce, authKey);
0090     this.challenge = randomBytes(conf.encryptionKeyLength() / Byte.SIZE);
0091     return new ClientChallenge(new String(appId, UTF_8),
0092       conf.keyFactoryAlgorithm(),
0093       conf.keyFactoryIterations(),
0094       conf.cipherTransformation(),
0095       conf.encryptionKeyLength(),
0096       authNonce,
0097       challenge(appId, authNonce, challenge));
0098   }
0100   /**
0101    * Validates the client challenge, and create the encryption backend for the channel from the
0102    * parameters sent by the client.
0103    *
0104    * @param clientChallenge The challenge from the client.
0105    * @return A response to be sent to the client.
0106    */
0107   ServerResponse respond(ClientChallenge clientChallenge)
0108     throws GeneralSecurityException {
0110     SecretKeySpec authKey = generateKey(clientChallenge.kdf, clientChallenge.iterations,
0111       clientChallenge.nonce, clientChallenge.keyLength);
0112     initializeForAuth(clientChallenge.cipher, clientChallenge.nonce, authKey);
0114     byte[] challenge = validateChallenge(clientChallenge.nonce, clientChallenge.challenge);
0115     byte[] response = challenge(appId, clientChallenge.nonce, rawResponse(challenge));
0116     byte[] sessionNonce = randomBytes(conf.encryptionKeyLength() / Byte.SIZE);
0117     byte[] inputIv = randomBytes(conf.ivLength());
0118     byte[] outputIv = randomBytes(conf.ivLength());
0120     SecretKeySpec sessionKey = generateKey(clientChallenge.kdf, clientChallenge.iterations,
0121       sessionNonce, clientChallenge.keyLength);
0122     this.sessionCipher = new TransportCipher(cryptoConf, clientChallenge.cipher, sessionKey,
0123       inputIv, outputIv);
0125     // Note the IVs are swapped in the response.
0126     return new ServerResponse(response, encrypt(sessionNonce), encrypt(outputIv), encrypt(inputIv));
0127   }
0129   /**
0130    * Validates the server response and initializes the cipher to use for the session.
0131    *
0132    * @param serverResponse The response from the server.
0133    */
0134   void validate(ServerResponse serverResponse) throws GeneralSecurityException {
0135     byte[] response = validateChallenge(authNonce, serverResponse.response);
0137     byte[] expected = rawResponse(challenge);
0138     Preconditions.checkArgument(Arrays.equals(expected, response));
0140     byte[] nonce = decrypt(serverResponse.nonce);
0141     byte[] inputIv = decrypt(serverResponse.inputIv);
0142     byte[] outputIv = decrypt(serverResponse.outputIv);
0144     SecretKeySpec sessionKey = generateKey(conf.keyFactoryAlgorithm(), conf.keyFactoryIterations(),
0145       nonce, conf.encryptionKeyLength());
0146     this.sessionCipher = new TransportCipher(cryptoConf, conf.cipherTransformation(), sessionKey,
0147       inputIv, outputIv);
0148   }
0150   TransportCipher sessionCipher() {
0151     Preconditions.checkState(sessionCipher != null);
0152     return sessionCipher;
0153   }
0155   @Override
0156   public void close() throws IOException {
0157     // Close ciphers (by calling "doFinal()" with dummy data) and the random instance so that
0158     // internal state is cleaned up. Error handling here is just for paranoia, and not meant to
0159     // accurately report the errors when they happen.
0160     RuntimeException error = null;
0161     byte[] dummy = new byte[8];
0162     if (encryptor != null) {
0163       try {
0164         doCipherOp(Cipher.ENCRYPT_MODE, dummy, true);
0165       } catch (Exception e) {
0166         error = new RuntimeException(e);
0167       }
0168       encryptor = null;
0169     }
0170     if (decryptor != null) {
0171       try {
0172         doCipherOp(Cipher.DECRYPT_MODE, dummy, true);
0173       } catch (Exception e) {
0174         error = new RuntimeException(e);
0175       }
0176       decryptor = null;
0177     }
0178     random.close();
0180     if (error != null) {
0181       throw error;
0182     }
0183   }
0185   @VisibleForTesting
0186   byte[] challenge(byte[] appId, byte[] nonce, byte[] challenge) throws GeneralSecurityException {
0187     return encrypt(Bytes.concat(appId, nonce, challenge));
0188   }
0190   @VisibleForTesting
0191   byte[] rawResponse(byte[] challenge) {
0192     BigInteger orig = new BigInteger(challenge);
0193     BigInteger response = orig.add(ONE);
0194     return response.toByteArray();
0195   }
0197   private byte[] decrypt(byte[] in) throws GeneralSecurityException {
0198     return doCipherOp(Cipher.DECRYPT_MODE, in, false);
0199   }
0201   private byte[] encrypt(byte[] in) throws GeneralSecurityException {
0202     return doCipherOp(Cipher.ENCRYPT_MODE, in, false);
0203   }
0205   private void initializeForAuth(String cipher, byte[] nonce, SecretKeySpec key)
0206     throws GeneralSecurityException {
0208     // commons-crypto currently only supports ciphers that require an initial vector; so
0209     // create a dummy vector so that we can initialize the ciphers. In the future, if
0210     // different ciphers are supported, this will have to be configurable somehow.
0211     byte[] iv = new byte[conf.ivLength()];
0212     System.arraycopy(nonce, 0, iv, 0, Math.min(nonce.length, iv.length));
0214     CryptoCipher _encryptor = CryptoCipherFactory.getCryptoCipher(cipher, cryptoConf);
0215     _encryptor.init(Cipher.ENCRYPT_MODE, key, new IvParameterSpec(iv));
0216     this.encryptor = _encryptor;
0218     CryptoCipher _decryptor = CryptoCipherFactory.getCryptoCipher(cipher, cryptoConf);
0219     _decryptor.init(Cipher.DECRYPT_MODE, key, new IvParameterSpec(iv));
0220     this.decryptor = _decryptor;
0221   }
0223   /**
0224    * Validates an encrypted challenge as defined in the protocol, and returns the byte array
0225    * that corresponds to the actual challenge data.
0226    */
0227   private byte[] validateChallenge(byte[] nonce, byte[] encryptedChallenge)
0228     throws GeneralSecurityException {
0230     byte[] challenge = decrypt(encryptedChallenge);
0231     checkSubArray(appId, challenge, 0);
0232     checkSubArray(nonce, challenge, appId.length);
0233     return Arrays.copyOfRange(challenge, appId.length + nonce.length, challenge.length);
0234   }
0236   private SecretKeySpec generateKey(String kdf, int iterations, byte[] salt, int keyLength)
0237     throws GeneralSecurityException {
0239     SecretKeyFactory factory = SecretKeyFactory.getInstance(kdf);
0240     PBEKeySpec spec = new PBEKeySpec(secret, salt, iterations, keyLength);
0242     long start = System.nanoTime();
0243     SecretKey key = factory.generateSecret(spec);
0244     long end = System.nanoTime();
0246     LOG.debug("Generated key with {} iterations in {} us.", conf.keyFactoryIterations(),
0247       (end - start) / 1000);
0249     return new SecretKeySpec(key.getEncoded(), conf.keyAlgorithm());
0250   }
0252   private byte[] doCipherOp(int mode, byte[] in, boolean isFinal)
0253     throws GeneralSecurityException {
0255     CryptoCipher cipher;
0256     switch (mode) {
0257       case Cipher.ENCRYPT_MODE:
0258         cipher = encryptor;
0259         break;
0260       case Cipher.DECRYPT_MODE:
0261         cipher = decryptor;
0262         break;
0263       default:
0264         throw new IllegalArgumentException(String.valueOf(mode));
0265     }
0267     Preconditions.checkState(cipher != null, "Cipher is invalid because of previous error.");
0269     try {
0270       int scale = 1;
0271       while (true) {
0272         int size = in.length * scale;
0273         byte[] buffer = new byte[size];
0274         try {
0275           int outSize = isFinal ? cipher.doFinal(in, 0, in.length, buffer, 0)
0276             : cipher.update(in, 0, in.length, buffer, 0);
0277           if (outSize != buffer.length) {
0278             byte[] output = new byte[outSize];
0279             System.arraycopy(buffer, 0, output, 0, output.length);
0280             return output;
0281           } else {
0282             return buffer;
0283           }
0284         } catch (ShortBufferException e) {
0285           // Try again with a bigger buffer.
0286           scale *= 2;
0287         }
0288       }
0289     } catch (InternalError ie) {
0290       // SPARK-25535. The commons-cryto library will throw InternalError if something goes wrong,
0291       // and leave bad state behind in the Java wrappers, so it's not safe to use them afterwards.
0292       if (mode == Cipher.ENCRYPT_MODE) {
0293         this.encryptor = null;
0294       } else {
0295         this.decryptor = null;
0296       }
0297       throw ie;
0298     }
0299   }
0301   private byte[] randomBytes(int count) {
0302     byte[] bytes = new byte[count];
0303     random.nextBytes(bytes);
0304     return bytes;
0305   }
0307   /** Checks that the "test" array is in the data array starting at the given offset. */
0308   private void checkSubArray(byte[] test, byte[] data, int offset) {
0309     Preconditions.checkArgument(data.length >= test.length + offset);
0310     for (int i = 0; i < test.length; i++) {
0311       Preconditions.checkArgument(test[i] == data[i + offset]);
0312     }
0313   }
0315 }