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0001 #!/usr/bin/env bash
0003 #
0004 # Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
0005 # contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file distributed with
0006 # this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
0007 # The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
0008 # (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
0009 # the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
0010 #
0011 #
0012 #
0013 # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
0014 # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
0015 # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
0016 # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
0017 # limitations under the License.
0018 #
0020 if [ -z "${SPARK_HOME}" ]; then
0021   source "$(dirname "$0")"/find-spark-home
0022 fi
0024 . "${SPARK_HOME}"/bin/
0026 # Find the java binary
0027 if [ -n "${JAVA_HOME}" ]; then
0028   RUNNER="${JAVA_HOME}/bin/java"
0029 else
0030   if [ "$(command -v java)" ]; then
0031     RUNNER="java"
0032   else
0033     echo "JAVA_HOME is not set" >&2
0034     exit 1
0035   fi
0036 fi
0038 # Find Spark jars.
0039 if [ -d "${SPARK_HOME}/jars" ]; then
0040   SPARK_JARS_DIR="${SPARK_HOME}/jars"
0041 else
0042   SPARK_JARS_DIR="${SPARK_HOME}/assembly/target/scala-$SPARK_SCALA_VERSION/jars"
0043 fi
0045 if [ ! -d "$SPARK_JARS_DIR" ] && [ -z "$SPARK_TESTING$SPARK_SQL_TESTING" ]; then
0046   echo "Failed to find Spark jars directory ($SPARK_JARS_DIR)." 1>&2
0047   echo "You need to build Spark with the target \"package\" before running this program." 1>&2
0048   exit 1
0049 else
0051 fi
0053 # Add the launcher build dir to the classpath if requested.
0054 if [ -n "$SPARK_PREPEND_CLASSES" ]; then
0056 fi
0058 # For tests
0059 if [[ -n "$SPARK_TESTING" ]]; then
0060   unset YARN_CONF_DIR
0061   unset HADOOP_CONF_DIR
0062 fi
0064 # The launcher library will print arguments separated by a NULL character, to allow arguments with
0065 # characters that would be otherwise interpreted by the shell. Read that in a while loop, populating
0066 # an array that will be used to exec the final command.
0067 #
0068 # The exit code of the launcher is appended to the output, so the parent shell removes it from the
0069 # command array and checks the value to see if the launcher succeeded.
0070 build_command() {
0071   "$RUNNER" -Xmx128m $SPARK_LAUNCHER_OPTS -cp "$LAUNCH_CLASSPATH" org.apache.spark.launcher.Main "$@"
0072   printf "%d\0" $?
0073 }
0075 # Turn off posix mode since it does not allow process substitution
0076 set +o posix
0077 CMD=()
0078 DELIM=$'\n'
0079 CMD_START_FLAG="false"
0080 while IFS= read -d "$DELIM" -r ARG; do
0081   if [ "$CMD_START_FLAG" == "true" ]; then
0082     CMD+=("$ARG")
0083   else
0084     if [ "$ARG" == $'\0' ]; then
0085       # After NULL character is consumed, change the delimiter and consume command string.
0086       DELIM=''
0087       CMD_START_FLAG="true"
0088     elif [ "$ARG" != "" ]; then
0089       echo "$ARG"
0090     fi
0091   fi
0092 done < <(build_command "$@")
0094 COUNT=${#CMD[@]}
0095 LAST=$((COUNT - 1))
0098 # Certain JVM failures result in errors being printed to stdout (instead of stderr), which causes
0099 # the code that parses the output of the launcher to get confused. In those cases, check if the
0100 # exit code is an integer, and if it's not, handle it as a special error case.
0101 if ! [[ $LAUNCHER_EXIT_CODE =~ ^[0-9]+$ ]]; then
0102   echo "${CMD[@]}" | head -n-1 1>&2
0103   exit 1
0104 fi
0106 if [ $LAUNCHER_EXIT_CODE != 0 ]; then
0108 fi
0110 CMD=("${CMD[@]:0:$LAST}")
0111 exec "${CMD[@]}"