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0001 #
0002 # Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
0003 # contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file distributed with
0004 # this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
0005 # The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
0006 # (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
0007 # the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
0008 #
0009 #
0010 #
0011 # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
0012 # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
0013 # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
0014 # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
0015 # limitations under the License.
0016 #
0018 # Client code to connect to SparkRBackend
0020 # Creates a SparkR client connection object
0021 # if one doesn't already exist
0022 connectBackend <- function(hostname, port, timeout, authSecret) {
0023   if (exists(".sparkRcon", envir = .sparkREnv)) {
0024     if (isOpen(.sparkREnv[[".sparkRCon"]])) {
0025       cat("SparkRBackend client connection already exists\n")
0026       return(get(".sparkRcon", envir = .sparkREnv))
0027     }
0028   }
0030   con <- socketConnection(host = hostname, port = port, server = FALSE,
0031                           blocking = TRUE, open = "wb", timeout = timeout)
0032   doServerAuth(con, authSecret)
0033   assign(".sparkRCon", con, envir = .sparkREnv)
0034   con
0035 }
0037 determineSparkSubmitBin <- function() {
0038   if (.Platform$OS.type == "unix") {
0039     sparkSubmitBinName <- "spark-submit"
0040   } else {
0041     sparkSubmitBinName <- "spark-submit2.cmd"
0042   }
0043   sparkSubmitBinName
0044 }
0046 generateSparkSubmitArgs <- function(args, sparkHome, jars, sparkSubmitOpts, packages) {
0047   jars <- paste0(jars, collapse = ",")
0048   if (jars != "") {
0049     # construct the jars argument with a space between --jars and comma-separated values
0050     jars <- paste0("--jars ", jars)
0051   }
0053   packages <- paste0(packages, collapse = ",")
0054   if (packages != "") {
0055     # construct the packages argument with a space between --packages and comma-separated values
0056     packages <- paste0("--packages ", packages)
0057   }
0059   combinedArgs <- paste(jars, packages, sparkSubmitOpts, args, sep = " ")
0060   combinedArgs
0061 }
0063 checkJavaVersion <- function() {
0064   javaBin <- "java"
0065   javaHome <- Sys.getenv("JAVA_HOME")
0066   javaReqs <- utils::packageDescription(utils::packageName(), fields = c("SystemRequirements"))
0067   sparkJavaVersions <- strsplit(javaReqs, "[(,)]")[[1]]
0068   minJavaVersion <- as.numeric(strsplit(sparkJavaVersions[[2]], ">= ", fixed = TRUE)[[1]][[2]])
0069   maxJavaVersion <- as.numeric(strsplit(sparkJavaVersions[[3]], "< ", fixed = TRUE)[[1]][[2]])
0070   if (javaHome != "") {
0071     javaBin <- file.path(javaHome, "bin", javaBin)
0072   }
0074   # If java is missing from PATH, we get an error in Unix and a warning in Windows
0075   javaVersionOut <- tryCatch(
0076     if (is_windows()) {
0077       # See SPARK-24535
0078       system2(javaBin, "-version", wait = TRUE, stdout = TRUE, stderr = TRUE)
0079     } else {
0080       launchScript(javaBin, "-version", wait = TRUE, stdout = TRUE, stderr = TRUE)
0081     },
0082     error = function(e) {
0083       stop("Java version check failed. Please make sure Java is installed",
0084            " and set JAVA_HOME to point to the installation directory.", e)
0085     },
0086     warning = function(w) {
0087       stop("Java version check failed. Please make sure Java is installed",
0088           " and set JAVA_HOME to point to the installation directory.", w)
0089     })
0090   javaVersionFilter <- Filter(
0091       function(x) {
0092         grepl(" version", x, fixed = TRUE)
0093       }, javaVersionOut)
0095   javaVersionStr <- strsplit(javaVersionFilter[[1]], '"', fixed = TRUE)[[1L]][2]
0096   # javaVersionStr is of the form 1.8.0_92/9.0.x/11.0.x.
0097   # We are using 8, 9, 10, 11 for sparkJavaVersion.
0098   versions <- strsplit(javaVersionStr, ".", fixed = TRUE)[[1L]]
0099   if ("1" == versions[1]) {
0100     javaVersionNum <- as.integer(versions[2])
0101   } else {
0102     javaVersionNum <- as.integer(versions[1])
0103   }
0104   if (javaVersionNum < minJavaVersion || javaVersionNum >= maxJavaVersion) {
0105     stop("Java version, greater than or equal to ", minJavaVersion,
0106          " and less than ", maxJavaVersion, ", is required for this ",
0107          "package; found version: ", javaVersionStr)
0108   }
0109   return(javaVersionNum)
0110 }
0112 launchBackend <- function(args, sparkHome, jars, sparkSubmitOpts, packages) {
0113   sparkSubmitBinName <- determineSparkSubmitBin()
0114   if (sparkHome != "") {
0115     sparkSubmitBin <- file.path(sparkHome, "bin", sparkSubmitBinName)
0116   } else {
0117     sparkSubmitBin <- sparkSubmitBinName
0118   }
0120   combinedArgs <- generateSparkSubmitArgs(args, sparkHome, jars, sparkSubmitOpts, packages)
0121   cat("Launching java with spark-submit command", sparkSubmitBin, combinedArgs, "\n")
0122   invisible(launchScript(sparkSubmitBin, combinedArgs))
0123 }