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0001 #
0002 # Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
0003 # contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file distributed with
0004 # this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
0005 # The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
0006 # (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
0007 # the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
0008 #
0009 #
0010 #
0011 # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
0012 # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
0013 # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
0014 # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
0015 # limitations under the License.
0016 #
0018 # Imports from base R
0019 # Do not include stats:: "rpois", "runif" - causes error at runtime
0020 importFrom("methods", "setGeneric", "setMethod", "setOldClass")
0021 importFrom("methods", "is", "new", "signature", "show")
0022 importFrom("stats", "gaussian", "setNames")
0023 importFrom("utils", "download.file", "object.size", "packageVersion", "tail", "untar")
0025 # Disable native libraries till we figure out how to package it
0026 # See SPARKR-7839
0027 #useDynLib(SparkR, stringHashCode)
0029 # S3 methods exported
0030 export("sparkR.session")
0031 export("sparkR.init")
0032 export("sparkR.session.stop")
0033 export("sparkR.stop")
0034 export("sparkR.conf")
0035 export("sparkR.version")
0036 export("sparkR.uiWebUrl")
0037 export("print.jobj")
0039 export("sparkR.newJObject")
0040 export("sparkR.callJMethod")
0041 export("sparkR.callJStatic")
0043 export("install.spark")
0045 export("sparkRSQL.init",
0046        "sparkRHive.init")
0048 # MLlib integration
0049 exportMethods("glm",
0050               "spark.glm",
0051               "predict",
0052               "summary",
0053               "spark.kmeans",
0054               "fitted",
0055               "spark.mlp",
0056               "spark.naiveBayes",
0057               "spark.survreg",
0058               "spark.lda",
0059               "spark.posterior",
0060               "spark.perplexity",
0061               "spark.isoreg",
0062               "spark.gaussianMixture",
0063               "spark.als",
0064               "spark.kstest",
0065               "spark.logit",
0066               "spark.decisionTree",
0067               "spark.randomForest",
0068               "spark.gbt",
0069               "spark.bisectingKmeans",
0070               "spark.svmLinear",
0071               "spark.fpGrowth",
0072               "spark.freqItemsets",
0073               "spark.associationRules",
0074               "spark.findFrequentSequentialPatterns",
0075               "spark.assignClusters")
0077 # Job group lifecycle management methods
0078 export("setJobGroup",
0079        "clearJobGroup",
0080        "cancelJobGroup",
0081        "setJobDescription",
0082        "setLocalProperty",
0083        "getLocalProperty")
0085 # Export Utility methods
0086 export("setLogLevel")
0088 exportClasses("SparkDataFrame")
0090 exportMethods("arrange",
0091               "",
0092               "attach",
0093               "broadcast",
0094               "cache",
0095               "checkpoint",
0096               "coalesce",
0097               "collect",
0098               "colnames",
0099               "colnames<-",
0100               "coltypes",
0101               "coltypes<-",
0102               "columns",
0103               "count",
0104               "cov",
0105               "corr",
0106               "covar_samp",
0107               "covar_pop",
0108               "createOrReplaceTempView",
0109               "crossJoin",
0110               "crosstab",
0111               "cube",
0112               "dapply",
0113               "dapplyCollect",
0114               "describe",
0115               "dim",
0116               "distinct",
0117               "drop",
0118               "dropDuplicates",
0119               "dropna",
0120               "dtypes",
0121               "except",
0122               "exceptAll",
0123               "explain",
0124               "fillna",
0125               "filter",
0126               "first",
0127               "freqItems",
0128               "gapply",
0129               "gapplyCollect",
0130               "getNumPartitions",
0131               "group_by",
0132               "groupBy",
0133               "head",
0134               "hint",
0135               "insertInto",
0136               "intersect",
0137               "intersectAll",
0138               "isLocal",
0139               "isStreaming",
0140               "join",
0141               "limit",
0142               "localCheckpoint",
0143               "merge",
0144               "mutate",
0145               "na.omit",
0146               "names",
0147               "names<-",
0148               "ncol",
0149               "nrow",
0150               "orderBy",
0151               "persist",
0152               "printSchema",
0153               "randomSplit",
0154               "rbind",
0155               "registerTempTable",
0156               "rename",
0157               "repartition",
0158               "repartitionByRange",
0159               "rollup",
0160               "sample",
0161               "sample_frac",
0162               "sampleBy",
0163               "saveAsTable",
0164               "saveDF",
0165               "schema",
0166               "select",
0167               "selectExpr",
0168               "show",
0169               "showDF",
0170               "storageLevel",
0171               "subset",
0172               "summarize",
0173               "summary",
0174               "take",
0175               "toJSON",
0176               "transform",
0177               "union",
0178               "unionAll",
0179               "unionByName",
0180               "unique",
0181               "unpersist",
0182               "where",
0183               "with",
0184               "withColumn",
0185               "withColumnRenamed",
0186               "withWatermark",
0187               "write.df",
0188               "write.jdbc",
0189               "write.json",
0190               "write.orc",
0191               "write.parquet",
0192               "",
0193               "write.text",
0194               "")
0196 exportClasses("Column")
0198 exportMethods("%<=>%",
0199               "%in%",
0200               "abs",
0201               "acos",
0202               "add_months",
0203               "alias",
0204               "approx_count_distinct",
0205               "approxCountDistinct",
0206               "approxQuantile",
0207               "array_contains",
0208               "array_distinct",
0209               "array_except",
0210               "array_intersect",
0211               "array_join",
0212               "array_max",
0213               "array_min",
0214               "array_position",
0215               "array_remove",
0216               "array_repeat",
0217               "array_sort",
0218               "arrays_overlap",
0219               "array_union",
0220               "arrays_zip",
0221               "asc",
0222               "ascii",
0223               "asin",
0224               "atan",
0225               "atan2",
0226               "avg",
0227               "base64",
0228               "between",
0229               "bin",
0230               "bitwiseNOT",
0231               "bround",
0232               "cast",
0233               "cbrt",
0234               "ceil",
0235               "ceiling",
0236               "collect_list",
0237               "collect_set",
0238               "column",
0239               "concat",
0240               "concat_ws",
0241               "contains",
0242               "conv",
0243               "cos",
0244               "cosh",
0245               "count",
0246               "countDistinct",
0247               "crc32",
0248               "create_array",
0249               "create_map",
0250               "current_date",
0251               "current_timestamp",
0252               "hash",
0253               "cume_dist",
0254               "date_add",
0255               "date_format",
0256               "date_sub",
0257               "date_trunc",
0258               "datediff",
0259               "dayofmonth",
0260               "dayofweek",
0261               "dayofyear",
0262               "decode",
0263               "degrees",
0264               "dense_rank",
0265               "desc",
0266               "element_at",
0267               "encode",
0268               "endsWith",
0269               "exp",
0270               "explode",
0271               "explode_outer",
0272               "expm1",
0273               "expr",
0274               "factorial",
0275               "first",
0276               "flatten",
0277               "floor",
0278               "format_number",
0279               "format_string",
0280               "from_csv",
0281               "from_json",
0282               "from_unixtime",
0283               "from_utc_timestamp",
0284               "getField",
0285               "getItem",
0286               "greatest",
0287               "grouping_bit",
0288               "grouping_id",
0289               "hex",
0290               "histogram",
0291               "hour",
0292               "hypot",
0293               "ifelse",
0294               "initcap",
0295               "input_file_name",
0296               "instr",
0297               "isNaN",
0298               "isNotNull",
0299               "isNull",
0300               "is.nan",
0301               "isnan",
0302               "kurtosis",
0303               "lag",
0304               "last",
0305               "last_day",
0306               "lead",
0307               "least",
0308               "length",
0309               "levenshtein",
0310               "like",
0311               "lit",
0312               "locate",
0313               "log",
0314               "log10",
0315               "log1p",
0316               "log2",
0317               "lower",
0318               "lpad",
0319               "ltrim",
0320               "map_concat",
0321               "map_entries",
0322               "map_from_arrays",
0323               "map_from_entries",
0324               "map_keys",
0325               "map_values",
0326               "max",
0327               "md5",
0328               "mean",
0329               "min",
0330               "minute",
0331               "monotonically_increasing_id",
0332               "month",
0333               "months_between",
0334               "n",
0335               "n_distinct",
0336               "nanvl",
0337               "negate",
0338               "next_day",
0339               "not",
0340               "ntile",
0341               "otherwise",
0342               "over",
0343               "overlay",
0344               "percent_rank",
0345               "pmod",
0346               "posexplode",
0347               "posexplode_outer",
0348               "quarter",
0349               "radians",
0350               "rand",
0351               "randn",
0352               "rank",
0353               "regexp_extract",
0354               "regexp_replace",
0355               "repeat_string",
0356               "reverse",
0357               "rint",
0358               "rlike",
0359               "round",
0360               "row_number",
0361               "rpad",
0362               "rtrim",
0363               "schema_of_csv",
0364               "schema_of_json",
0365               "second",
0366               "sha1",
0367               "sha2",
0368               "shiftLeft",
0369               "shiftRight",
0370               "shiftRightUnsigned",
0371               "shuffle",
0372               "sd",
0373               "sign",
0374               "signum",
0375               "sin",
0376               "sinh",
0377               "size",
0378               "skewness",
0379               "slice",
0380               "sort_array",
0381               "soundex",
0382               "spark_partition_id",
0383               "split_string",
0384               "stddev",
0385               "stddev_pop",
0386               "stddev_samp",
0387               "struct",
0388               "sqrt",
0389               "startsWith",
0390               "substr",
0391               "substring_index",
0392               "sum",
0393               "sumDistinct",
0394               "tan",
0395               "tanh",
0396               "toDegrees",
0397               "toRadians",
0398               "to_csv",
0399               "to_date",
0400               "to_json",
0401               "to_timestamp",
0402               "to_utc_timestamp",
0403               "translate",
0404               "trim",
0405               "trunc",
0406               "unbase64",
0407               "unhex",
0408               "unix_timestamp",
0409               "upper",
0410               "var",
0411               "variance",
0412               "var_pop",
0413               "var_samp",
0414               "weekofyear",
0415               "when",
0416               "window",
0417               "xxhash64",
0418               "year")
0420 exportClasses("GroupedData")
0421 exportMethods("agg")
0422 exportMethods("pivot")
0424 export("as.DataFrame",
0425        "cacheTable",
0426        "clearCache",
0427        "createDataFrame",
0428        "createExternalTable",
0429        "createTable",
0430        "currentDatabase",
0431        "dropTempTable",
0432        "dropTempView",
0433        "listColumns",
0434        "listDatabases",
0435        "listFunctions",
0436        "listTables",
0437        "loadDF",
0438        "read.df",
0439        "read.jdbc",
0440        "read.json",
0441        "read.orc",
0442        "read.parquet",
0443        "",
0444        "read.text",
0445        "recoverPartitions",
0446        "refreshByPath",
0447        "refreshTable",
0448        "setCheckpointDir",
0449        "setCurrentDatabase",
0450        "spark.lapply",
0451        "spark.addFile",
0452        "spark.getSparkFilesRootDirectory",
0453        "spark.getSparkFiles",
0454        "sql",
0455        "str",
0456        "tableToDF",
0457        "tableNames",
0458        "tables",
0459        "uncacheTable",
0460        "print.summary.GeneralizedLinearRegressionModel",
0461        "",
0462        "print.summary.KSTest",
0463        "print.summary.DecisionTreeRegressionModel",
0464        "print.summary.DecisionTreeClassificationModel",
0465        "print.summary.RandomForestRegressionModel",
0466        "print.summary.RandomForestClassificationModel",
0467        "print.summary.GBTRegressionModel",
0468        "print.summary.GBTClassificationModel")
0470 export("structField",
0471        "structField.jobj",
0472        "structField.character",
0473        "print.structField",
0474        "structType",
0475        "structType.character",
0476        "structType.jobj",
0477        "structType.structField",
0478        "print.structType")
0480 exportClasses("WindowSpec")
0482 export("partitionBy",
0483        "rowsBetween",
0484        "rangeBetween")
0486 export("windowPartitionBy",
0487        "windowOrderBy")
0489 exportClasses("StreamingQuery")
0491 export("awaitTermination",
0492        "isActive",
0493        "lastProgress",
0494        "queryName",
0495        "status",
0496        "stopQuery")
0499 S3method(print, jobj)
0500 S3method(print, structField)
0501 S3method(print, structType)
0502 S3method(print, summary.GeneralizedLinearRegressionModel)
0503 S3method(print, summary.KSTest)
0504 S3method(print, summary.DecisionTreeRegressionModel)
0505 S3method(print, summary.DecisionTreeClassificationModel)
0506 S3method(print, summary.RandomForestRegressionModel)
0507 S3method(print, summary.RandomForestClassificationModel)
0508 S3method(print, summary.GBTRegressionModel)
0509 S3method(print, summary.GBTClassificationModel)
0510 S3method(structField, character)
0511 S3method(structField, jobj)
0512 S3method(structType, character)
0513 S3method(structType, jobj)
0514 S3method(structType, structField)