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0001 #
0002 # Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
0003 # contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file distributed with
0004 # this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
0005 # The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
0006 # (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
0007 # the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
0008 #
0009 #
0010 #
0011 # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
0012 # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
0013 # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
0014 # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
0015 # limitations under the License.
0016 #
0018 import os
0019 import shutil
0020 import signal
0021 import sys
0022 import threading
0023 import warnings
0024 from threading import RLock
0025 from tempfile import NamedTemporaryFile
0027 from py4j.protocol import Py4JError
0028 from py4j.java_gateway import is_instance_of
0030 from pyspark import accumulators
0031 from pyspark.accumulators import Accumulator
0032 from pyspark.broadcast import Broadcast, BroadcastPickleRegistry
0033 from pyspark.conf import SparkConf
0034 from pyspark.files import SparkFiles
0035 from pyspark.java_gateway import launch_gateway, local_connect_and_auth
0036 from pyspark.serializers import PickleSerializer, BatchedSerializer, UTF8Deserializer, \
0037     PairDeserializer, AutoBatchedSerializer, NoOpSerializer, ChunkedStream
0038 from pyspark.storagelevel import StorageLevel
0039 from pyspark.resource import ResourceInformation
0040 from pyspark.rdd import RDD, _load_from_socket, ignore_unicode_prefix
0041 from pyspark.traceback_utils import CallSite, first_spark_call
0042 from pyspark.status import StatusTracker
0043 from pyspark.profiler import ProfilerCollector, BasicProfiler
0044 from pyspark.util import _warn_pin_thread
0046 if sys.version > '3':
0047     xrange = range
0050 __all__ = ['SparkContext']
0053 # These are special default configs for PySpark, they will overwrite
0054 # the default ones for Spark if they are not configured by user.
0056     "spark.serializer.objectStreamReset": 100,
0057     "spark.rdd.compress": True,
0058 }
0061 class SparkContext(object):
0063     """
0064     Main entry point for Spark functionality. A SparkContext represents the
0065     connection to a Spark cluster, and can be used to create :class:`RDD` and
0066     broadcast variables on that cluster.
0068     .. note:: Only one :class:`SparkContext` should be active per JVM. You must `stop()`
0069         the active :class:`SparkContext` before creating a new one.
0071     .. note:: :class:`SparkContext` instance is not supported to share across multiple
0072         processes out of the box, and PySpark does not guarantee multi-processing execution.
0073         Use threads instead for concurrent processing purpose.
0074     """
0076     _gateway = None
0077     _jvm = None
0078     _next_accum_id = 0
0079     _active_spark_context = None
0080     _lock = RLock()
0081     _python_includes = None  # zip and egg files that need to be added to PYTHONPATH
0083     PACKAGE_EXTENSIONS = ('.zip', '.egg', '.jar')
0085     def __init__(self, master=None, appName=None, sparkHome=None, pyFiles=None,
0086                  environment=None, batchSize=0, serializer=PickleSerializer(), conf=None,
0087                  gateway=None, jsc=None, profiler_cls=BasicProfiler):
0088         """
0089         Create a new SparkContext. At least the master and app name should be set,
0090         either through the named parameters here or through `conf`.
0092         :param master: Cluster URL to connect to
0093                (e.g. mesos://host:port, spark://host:port, local[4]).
0094         :param appName: A name for your job, to display on the cluster web UI.
0095         :param sparkHome: Location where Spark is installed on cluster nodes.
0096         :param pyFiles: Collection of .zip or .py files to send to the cluster
0097                and add to PYTHONPATH.  These can be paths on the local file
0098                system or HDFS, HTTP, HTTPS, or FTP URLs.
0099         :param environment: A dictionary of environment variables to set on
0100                worker nodes.
0101         :param batchSize: The number of Python objects represented as a single
0102                Java object. Set 1 to disable batching, 0 to automatically choose
0103                the batch size based on object sizes, or -1 to use an unlimited
0104                batch size
0105         :param serializer: The serializer for RDDs.
0106         :param conf: A :class:`SparkConf` object setting Spark properties.
0107         :param gateway: Use an existing gateway and JVM, otherwise a new JVM
0108                will be instantiated.
0109         :param jsc: The JavaSparkContext instance (optional).
0110         :param profiler_cls: A class of custom Profiler used to do profiling
0111                (default is pyspark.profiler.BasicProfiler).
0114         >>> from pyspark.context import SparkContext
0115         >>> sc = SparkContext('local', 'test')
0117         >>> sc2 = SparkContext('local', 'test2') # doctest: +IGNORE_EXCEPTION_DETAIL
0118         Traceback (most recent call last):
0119             ...
0120         ValueError:...
0121         """
0122         self._callsite = first_spark_call() or CallSite(None, None, None)
0123         if gateway is not None and gateway.gateway_parameters.auth_token is None:
0124             raise ValueError(
0125                 "You are trying to pass an insecure Py4j gateway to Spark. This"
0126                 " is not allowed as it is a security risk.")
0128         SparkContext._ensure_initialized(self, gateway=gateway, conf=conf)
0129         try:
0130             self._do_init(master, appName, sparkHome, pyFiles, environment, batchSize, serializer,
0131                           conf, jsc, profiler_cls)
0132         except:
0133             # If an error occurs, clean up in order to allow future SparkContext creation:
0134             self.stop()
0135             raise
0137     def _do_init(self, master, appName, sparkHome, pyFiles, environment, batchSize, serializer,
0138                  conf, jsc, profiler_cls):
0139         self.environment = environment or {}
0140         # java gateway must have been launched at this point.
0141         if conf is not None and conf._jconf is not None:
0142             # conf has been initialized in JVM properly, so use conf directly. This represents the
0143             # scenario that JVM has been launched before SparkConf is created (e.g. SparkContext is
0144             # created and then stopped, and we create a new SparkConf and new SparkContext again)
0145             self._conf = conf
0146         else:
0147             self._conf = SparkConf(_jvm=SparkContext._jvm)
0148             if conf is not None:
0149                 for k, v in conf.getAll():
0150                     self._conf.set(k, v)
0152         self._batchSize = batchSize  # -1 represents an unlimited batch size
0153         self._unbatched_serializer = serializer
0154         if batchSize == 0:
0155             self.serializer = AutoBatchedSerializer(self._unbatched_serializer)
0156         else:
0157             self.serializer = BatchedSerializer(self._unbatched_serializer,
0158                                                 batchSize)
0160         # Set any parameters passed directly to us on the conf
0161         if master:
0162             self._conf.setMaster(master)
0163         if appName:
0164             self._conf.setAppName(appName)
0165         if sparkHome:
0166             self._conf.setSparkHome(sparkHome)
0167         if environment:
0168             for key, value in environment.items():
0169                 self._conf.setExecutorEnv(key, value)
0170         for key, value in DEFAULT_CONFIGS.items():
0171             self._conf.setIfMissing(key, value)
0173         # Check that we have at least the required parameters
0174         if not self._conf.contains("spark.master"):
0175             raise Exception("A master URL must be set in your configuration")
0176         if not self._conf.contains(""):
0177             raise Exception("An application name must be set in your configuration")
0179         # Read back our properties from the conf in case we loaded some of them from
0180         # the classpath or an external config file
0181         self.master = self._conf.get("spark.master")
0182         self.appName = self._conf.get("")
0183         self.sparkHome = self._conf.get("spark.home", None)
0185         for (k, v) in self._conf.getAll():
0186             if k.startswith("spark.executorEnv."):
0187                 varName = k[len("spark.executorEnv."):]
0188                 self.environment[varName] = v
0190         self.environment["PYTHONHASHSEED"] = os.environ.get("PYTHONHASHSEED", "0")
0192         # Create the Java SparkContext through Py4J
0193         self._jsc = jsc or self._initialize_context(self._conf._jconf)
0194         # Reset the SparkConf to the one actually used by the SparkContext in JVM.
0195         self._conf = SparkConf(
0197         # Create a single Accumulator in Java that we'll send all our updates through;
0198         # they will be passed back to us through a TCP server
0199         auth_token = self._gateway.gateway_parameters.auth_token
0200         self._accumulatorServer = accumulators._start_update_server(auth_token)
0201         (host, port) = self._accumulatorServer.server_address
0202         self._javaAccumulator = self._jvm.PythonAccumulatorV2(host, port, auth_token)
0205         # If encryption is enabled, we need to setup a server in the jvm to read broadcast
0206         # data via a socket.
0207         # scala's mangled names w/ $ in them require special treatment.
0208         self._encryption_enabled = self._jvm.PythonUtils.isEncryptionEnabled(self._jsc)
0210         self.pythonExec = os.environ.get("PYSPARK_PYTHON", 'python')
0211         self.pythonVer = "%d.%d" % sys.version_info[:2]
0213         if sys.version_info < (3, 6):
0214             with warnings.catch_warnings():
0215                 warnings.simplefilter("once")
0216                 warnings.warn(
0217                     "Support for Python 2 and Python 3 prior to version 3.6 is deprecated as "
0218                     "of Spark 3.0. See also the plan for dropping Python 2 support at "
0219                     "",
0220                     DeprecationWarning)
0222         # Broadcast's __reduce__ method stores Broadcast instances here.
0223         # This allows other code to determine which Broadcast instances have
0224         # been pickled, so it can determine which Java broadcast objects to
0225         # send.
0226         self._pickled_broadcast_vars = BroadcastPickleRegistry()
0228         SparkFiles._sc = self
0229         root_dir = SparkFiles.getRootDirectory()
0230         sys.path.insert(1, root_dir)
0232         # Deploy any code dependencies specified in the constructor
0233         self._python_includes = list()
0234         for path in (pyFiles or []):
0235             self.addPyFile(path)
0237         # Deploy code dependencies set by spark-submit; these will already have been added
0238         # with SparkContext.addFile, so we just need to add them to the PYTHONPATH
0239         for path in self._conf.get("spark.submit.pyFiles", "").split(","):
0240             if path != "":
0241                 (dirname, filename) = os.path.split(path)
0242                 try:
0243                     filepath = os.path.join(SparkFiles.getRootDirectory(), filename)
0244                     if not os.path.exists(filepath):
0245                         # In case of YARN with shell mode, 'spark.submit.pyFiles' files are
0246                         # not added via SparkContext.addFile. Here we check if the file exists,
0247                         # try to copy and then add it to the path. See SPARK-21945.
0248                         shutil.copyfile(path, filepath)
0249                     if filename[-4:].lower() in self.PACKAGE_EXTENSIONS:
0250                         self._python_includes.append(filename)
0251                         sys.path.insert(1, filepath)
0252                 except Exception:
0253                     warnings.warn(
0254                         "Failed to add file [%s] speficied in 'spark.submit.pyFiles' to "
0255                         "Python path:\n  %s" % (path, "\n  ".join(sys.path)),
0256                         RuntimeWarning)
0258         # Create a temporary directory inside spark.local.dir:
0259         local_dir =
0260         self._temp_dir = \
0261   , "pyspark") \
0262                 .getAbsolutePath()
0264         # profiling stats collected for each PythonRDD
0265         if self._conf.get("spark.python.profile", "false") == "true":
0266             dump_path = self._conf.get("spark.python.profile.dump", None)
0267             self.profiler_collector = ProfilerCollector(profiler_cls, dump_path)
0268         else:
0269             self.profiler_collector = None
0271         # create a signal handler which would be invoked on receiving SIGINT
0272         def signal_handler(signal, frame):
0273             self.cancelAllJobs()
0274             raise KeyboardInterrupt()
0276         # see
0277         if isinstance(threading.current_thread(), threading._MainThread):
0278             signal.signal(signal.SIGINT, signal_handler)
0280     def __repr__(self):
0281         return "<SparkContext master={master} appName={appName}>".format(
0282             master=self.master,
0283             appName=self.appName,
0284         )
0286     def _repr_html_(self):
0287         return """
0288         <div>
0289             <p><b>SparkContext</b></p>
0291             <p><a href="{sc.uiWebUrl}">Spark UI</a></p>
0293             <dl>
0294               <dt>Version</dt>
0295                 <dd><code>v{sc.version}</code></dd>
0296               <dt>Master</dt>
0297                 <dd><code>{sc.master}</code></dd>
0298               <dt>AppName</dt>
0299                 <dd><code>{sc.appName}</code></dd>
0300             </dl>
0301         </div>
0302         """.format(
0303             sc=self
0304         )
0306     def _initialize_context(self, jconf):
0307         """
0308         Initialize SparkContext in function to allow subclass specific initialization
0309         """
0310         return self._jvm.JavaSparkContext(jconf)
0312     @classmethod
0313     def _ensure_initialized(cls, instance=None, gateway=None, conf=None):
0314         """
0315         Checks whether a SparkContext is initialized or not.
0316         Throws error if a SparkContext is already running.
0317         """
0318         with SparkContext._lock:
0319             if not SparkContext._gateway:
0320                 SparkContext._gateway = gateway or launch_gateway(conf)
0321                 SparkContext._jvm = SparkContext._gateway.jvm
0323             if instance:
0324                 if (SparkContext._active_spark_context and
0325                         SparkContext._active_spark_context != instance):
0326                     currentMaster = SparkContext._active_spark_context.master
0327                     currentAppName = SparkContext._active_spark_context.appName
0328                     callsite = SparkContext._active_spark_context._callsite
0330                     # Raise error if there is already a running Spark context
0331                     raise ValueError(
0332                         "Cannot run multiple SparkContexts at once; "
0333                         "existing SparkContext(app=%s, master=%s)"
0334                         " created by %s at %s:%s "
0335                         % (currentAppName, currentMaster,
0336                             callsite.function, callsite.file, callsite.linenum))
0337                 else:
0338                     SparkContext._active_spark_context = instance
0340     def __getnewargs__(self):
0341         # This method is called when attempting to pickle SparkContext, which is always an error:
0342         raise Exception(
0343             "It appears that you are attempting to reference SparkContext from a broadcast "
0344             "variable, action, or transformation. SparkContext can only be used on the driver, "
0345             "not in code that it run on workers. For more information, see SPARK-5063."
0346         )
0348     def __enter__(self):
0349         """
0350         Enable 'with SparkContext(...) as sc: app(sc)' syntax.
0351         """
0352         return self
0354     def __exit__(self, type, value, trace):
0355         """
0356         Enable 'with SparkContext(...) as sc: app' syntax.
0358         Specifically stop the context on exit of the with block.
0359         """
0360         self.stop()
0362     @classmethod
0363     def getOrCreate(cls, conf=None):
0364         """
0365         Get or instantiate a SparkContext and register it as a singleton object.
0367         :param conf: SparkConf (optional)
0368         """
0369         with SparkContext._lock:
0370             if SparkContext._active_spark_context is None:
0371                 SparkContext(conf=conf or SparkConf())
0372             return SparkContext._active_spark_context
0374     def setLogLevel(self, logLevel):
0375         """
0376         Control our logLevel. This overrides any user-defined log settings.
0377         Valid log levels include: ALL, DEBUG, ERROR, FATAL, INFO, OFF, TRACE, WARN
0378         """
0379         self._jsc.setLogLevel(logLevel)
0381     @classmethod
0382     def setSystemProperty(cls, key, value):
0383         """
0384         Set a Java system property, such as spark.executor.memory. This must
0385         must be invoked before instantiating SparkContext.
0386         """
0387         SparkContext._ensure_initialized()
0388, value)
0390     @property
0391     def version(self):
0392         """
0393         The version of Spark on which this application is running.
0394         """
0395         return self._jsc.version()
0397     @property
0398     @ignore_unicode_prefix
0399     def applicationId(self):
0400         """
0401         A unique identifier for the Spark application.
0402         Its format depends on the scheduler implementation.
0404         * in case of local spark app something like 'local-1433865536131'
0405         * in case of YARN something like 'application_1433865536131_34483'
0407         >>> sc.applicationId  # doctest: +ELLIPSIS
0408         u'local-...'
0409         """
0410         return
0412     @property
0413     def uiWebUrl(self):
0414         """Return the URL of the SparkUI instance started by this SparkContext"""
0415         return
0417     @property
0418     def startTime(self):
0419         """Return the epoch time when the Spark Context was started."""
0420         return self._jsc.startTime()
0422     @property
0423     def defaultParallelism(self):
0424         """
0425         Default level of parallelism to use when not given by user (e.g. for
0426         reduce tasks)
0427         """
0428         return
0430     @property
0431     def defaultMinPartitions(self):
0432         """
0433         Default min number of partitions for Hadoop RDDs when not given by user
0434         """
0435         return
0437     def stop(self):
0438         """
0439         Shut down the SparkContext.
0440         """
0441         if getattr(self, "_jsc", None):
0442             try:
0443                 self._jsc.stop()
0444             except Py4JError:
0445                 # Case: SPARK-18523
0446                 warnings.warn(
0447                     'Unable to cleanly shutdown Spark JVM process.'
0448                     ' It is possible that the process has crashed,'
0449                     ' been killed or may also be in a zombie state.',
0450                     RuntimeWarning
0451                 )
0452             finally:
0453                 self._jsc = None
0454         if getattr(self, "_accumulatorServer", None):
0455             self._accumulatorServer.shutdown()
0456             self._accumulatorServer = None
0457         with SparkContext._lock:
0458             SparkContext._active_spark_context = None
0460     def emptyRDD(self):
0461         """
0462         Create an RDD that has no partitions or elements.
0463         """
0464         return RDD(self._jsc.emptyRDD(), self, NoOpSerializer())
0466     def range(self, start, end=None, step=1, numSlices=None):
0467         """
0468         Create a new RDD of int containing elements from `start` to `end`
0469         (exclusive), increased by `step` every element. Can be called the same
0470         way as python's built-in range() function. If called with a single argument,
0471         the argument is interpreted as `end`, and `start` is set to 0.
0473         :param start: the start value
0474         :param end: the end value (exclusive)
0475         :param step: the incremental step (default: 1)
0476         :param numSlices: the number of partitions of the new RDD
0477         :return: An RDD of int
0479         >>> sc.range(5).collect()
0480         [0, 1, 2, 3, 4]
0481         >>> sc.range(2, 4).collect()
0482         [2, 3]
0483         >>> sc.range(1, 7, 2).collect()
0484         [1, 3, 5]
0485         """
0486         if end is None:
0487             end = start
0488             start = 0
0490         return self.parallelize(xrange(start, end, step), numSlices)
0492     def parallelize(self, c, numSlices=None):
0493         """
0494         Distribute a local Python collection to form an RDD. Using xrange
0495         is recommended if the input represents a range for performance.
0497         >>> sc.parallelize([0, 2, 3, 4, 6], 5).glom().collect()
0498         [[0], [2], [3], [4], [6]]
0499         >>> sc.parallelize(xrange(0, 6, 2), 5).glom().collect()
0500         [[], [0], [], [2], [4]]
0501         """
0502         numSlices = int(numSlices) if numSlices is not None else self.defaultParallelism
0503         if isinstance(c, xrange):
0504             size = len(c)
0505             if size == 0:
0506                 return self.parallelize([], numSlices)
0507             step = c[1] - c[0] if size > 1 else 1
0508             start0 = c[0]
0510             def getStart(split):
0511                 return start0 + int((split * size / numSlices)) * step
0513             def f(split, iterator):
0514                 # it's an empty iterator here but we need this line for triggering the
0515                 # logic of signal handling in FramedSerializer.load_stream, for instance,
0516                 # SpecialLengths.END_OF_DATA_SECTION in _read_with_length. Since
0517                 # FramedSerializer.load_stream produces a generator, the control should
0518                 # at least be in that function once. Here we do it by explicitly converting
0519                 # the empty iterator to a list, thus make sure worker reuse takes effect.
0520                 # See more details in SPARK-26549.
0521                 assert len(list(iterator)) == 0
0522                 return xrange(getStart(split), getStart(split + 1), step)
0524             return self.parallelize([], numSlices).mapPartitionsWithIndex(f)
0526         # Make sure we distribute data evenly if it's smaller than self.batchSize
0527         if "__len__" not in dir(c):
0528             c = list(c)    # Make it a list so we can compute its length
0529         batchSize = max(1, min(len(c) // numSlices, self._batchSize or 1024))
0530         serializer = BatchedSerializer(self._unbatched_serializer, batchSize)
0532         def reader_func(temp_filename):
0533             return self._jvm.PythonRDD.readRDDFromFile(self._jsc, temp_filename, numSlices)
0535         def createRDDServer():
0536             return self._jvm.PythonParallelizeServer(, numSlices)
0538         jrdd = self._serialize_to_jvm(c, serializer, reader_func, createRDDServer)
0539         return RDD(jrdd, self, serializer)
0541     def _serialize_to_jvm(self, data, serializer, reader_func, createRDDServer):
0542         """
0543         Using py4j to send a large dataset to the jvm is really slow, so we use either a file
0544         or a socket if we have encryption enabled.
0545         :param data:
0546         :param serializer:
0547         :param reader_func:  A function which takes a filename and reads in the data in the jvm and
0548                 returns a JavaRDD. Only used when encryption is disabled.
0549         :param createRDDServer:  A function which creates a PythonRDDServer in the jvm to
0550                accept the serialized data, for use when encryption is enabled.
0551         :return:
0552         """
0553         if self._encryption_enabled:
0554             # with encryption, we open a server in java and send the data directly
0555             server = createRDDServer()
0556             (sock_file, _) = local_connect_and_auth(server.port(), server.secret())
0557             chunked_out = ChunkedStream(sock_file, 8192)
0558             serializer.dump_stream(data, chunked_out)
0559             chunked_out.close()
0560             # this call will block until the server has read all the data and processed it (or
0561             # throws an exception)
0562             r = server.getResult()
0563             return r
0564         else:
0565             # without encryption, we serialize to a file, and we read the file in java and
0566             # parallelize from there.
0567             tempFile = NamedTemporaryFile(delete=False, dir=self._temp_dir)
0568             try:
0569                 try:
0570                     serializer.dump_stream(data, tempFile)
0571                 finally:
0572                     tempFile.close()
0573                 return reader_func(
0574             finally:
0575                 # we eagerily reads the file so we can delete right after.
0576                 os.unlink(
0578     def pickleFile(self, name, minPartitions=None):
0579         """
0580         Load an RDD previously saved using :meth:`RDD.saveAsPickleFile` method.
0582         >>> tmpFile = NamedTemporaryFile(delete=True)
0583         >>> tmpFile.close()
0584         >>> sc.parallelize(range(10)).saveAsPickleFile(, 5)
0585         >>> sorted(sc.pickleFile(, 3).collect())
0586         [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9]
0587         """
0588         minPartitions = minPartitions or self.defaultMinPartitions
0589         return RDD(self._jsc.objectFile(name, minPartitions), self)
0591     @ignore_unicode_prefix
0592     def textFile(self, name, minPartitions=None, use_unicode=True):
0593         """
0594         Read a text file from HDFS, a local file system (available on all
0595         nodes), or any Hadoop-supported file system URI, and return it as an
0596         RDD of Strings.
0597         The text files must be encoded as UTF-8.
0599         If use_unicode is False, the strings will be kept as `str` (encoding
0600         as `utf-8`), which is faster and smaller than unicode. (Added in
0601         Spark 1.2)
0603         >>> path = os.path.join(tempdir, "sample-text.txt")
0604         >>> with open(path, "w") as testFile:
0605         ...    _ = testFile.write("Hello world!")
0606         >>> textFile = sc.textFile(path)
0607         >>> textFile.collect()
0608         [u'Hello world!']
0609         """
0610         minPartitions = minPartitions or min(self.defaultParallelism, 2)
0611         return RDD(self._jsc.textFile(name, minPartitions), self,
0612                    UTF8Deserializer(use_unicode))
0614     @ignore_unicode_prefix
0615     def wholeTextFiles(self, path, minPartitions=None, use_unicode=True):
0616         """
0617         Read a directory of text files from HDFS, a local file system
0618         (available on all nodes), or any  Hadoop-supported file system
0619         URI. Each file is read as a single record and returned in a
0620         key-value pair, where the key is the path of each file, the
0621         value is the content of each file.
0622         The text files must be encoded as UTF-8.
0624         If use_unicode is False, the strings will be kept as `str` (encoding
0625         as `utf-8`), which is faster and smaller than unicode. (Added in
0626         Spark 1.2)
0628         For example, if you have the following files:
0630         .. code-block:: text
0632             hdfs://a-hdfs-path/part-00000
0633             hdfs://a-hdfs-path/part-00001
0634             ...
0635             hdfs://a-hdfs-path/part-nnnnn
0637         Do ``rdd = sparkContext.wholeTextFiles("hdfs://a-hdfs-path")``,
0638         then ``rdd`` contains:
0640         .. code-block:: text
0642             (a-hdfs-path/part-00000, its content)
0643             (a-hdfs-path/part-00001, its content)
0644             ...
0645             (a-hdfs-path/part-nnnnn, its content)
0647         .. note:: Small files are preferred, as each file will be loaded
0648             fully in memory.
0650         >>> dirPath = os.path.join(tempdir, "files")
0651         >>> os.mkdir(dirPath)
0652         >>> with open(os.path.join(dirPath, "1.txt"), "w") as file1:
0653         ...    _ = file1.write("1")
0654         >>> with open(os.path.join(dirPath, "2.txt"), "w") as file2:
0655         ...    _ = file2.write("2")
0656         >>> textFiles = sc.wholeTextFiles(dirPath)
0657         >>> sorted(textFiles.collect())
0658         [(u'.../1.txt', u'1'), (u'.../2.txt', u'2')]
0659         """
0660         minPartitions = minPartitions or self.defaultMinPartitions
0661         return RDD(self._jsc.wholeTextFiles(path, minPartitions), self,
0662                    PairDeserializer(UTF8Deserializer(use_unicode), UTF8Deserializer(use_unicode)))
0664     def binaryFiles(self, path, minPartitions=None):
0665         """
0666         Read a directory of binary files from HDFS, a local file system
0667         (available on all nodes), or any Hadoop-supported file system URI
0668         as a byte array. Each file is read as a single record and returned
0669         in a key-value pair, where the key is the path of each file, the
0670         value is the content of each file.
0672         .. note:: Small files are preferred, large file is also allowable, but
0673             may cause bad performance.
0674         """
0675         minPartitions = minPartitions or self.defaultMinPartitions
0676         return RDD(self._jsc.binaryFiles(path, minPartitions), self,
0677                    PairDeserializer(UTF8Deserializer(), NoOpSerializer()))
0679     def binaryRecords(self, path, recordLength):
0680         """
0681         Load data from a flat binary file, assuming each record is a set of numbers
0682         with the specified numerical format (see ByteBuffer), and the number of
0683         bytes per record is constant.
0685         :param path: Directory to the input data files
0686         :param recordLength: The length at which to split the records
0687         """
0688         return RDD(self._jsc.binaryRecords(path, recordLength), self, NoOpSerializer())
0690     def _dictToJavaMap(self, d):
0691         jm =
0692         if not d:
0693             d = {}
0694         for k, v in d.items():
0695             jm[k] = v
0696         return jm
0698     def sequenceFile(self, path, keyClass=None, valueClass=None, keyConverter=None,
0699                      valueConverter=None, minSplits=None, batchSize=0):
0700         """
0701         Read a Hadoop SequenceFile with arbitrary key and value Writable class from HDFS,
0702         a local file system (available on all nodes), or any Hadoop-supported file system URI.
0703         The mechanism is as follows:
0705             1. A Java RDD is created from the SequenceFile or other InputFormat, and the key
0706                and value Writable classes
0707             2. Serialization is attempted via Pyrolite pickling
0708             3. If this fails, the fallback is to call 'toString' on each key and value
0709             4. :class:`PickleSerializer` is used to deserialize pickled objects on the Python side
0711         :param path: path to sequncefile
0712         :param keyClass: fully qualified classname of key Writable class
0713                (e.g. "")
0714         :param valueClass: fully qualified classname of value Writable class
0715                (e.g. "")
0716         :param keyConverter:
0717         :param valueConverter:
0718         :param minSplits: minimum splits in dataset
0719                (default min(2, sc.defaultParallelism))
0720         :param batchSize: The number of Python objects represented as a single
0721                Java object. (default 0, choose batchSize automatically)
0722         """
0723         minSplits = minSplits or min(self.defaultParallelism, 2)
0724         jrdd = self._jvm.PythonRDD.sequenceFile(self._jsc, path, keyClass, valueClass,
0725                                                 keyConverter, valueConverter, minSplits, batchSize)
0726         return RDD(jrdd, self)
0728     def newAPIHadoopFile(self, path, inputFormatClass, keyClass, valueClass, keyConverter=None,
0729                          valueConverter=None, conf=None, batchSize=0):
0730         """
0731         Read a 'new API' Hadoop InputFormat with arbitrary key and value class from HDFS,
0732         a local file system (available on all nodes), or any Hadoop-supported file system URI.
0733         The mechanism is the same as for sc.sequenceFile.
0735         A Hadoop configuration can be passed in as a Python dict. This will be converted into a
0736         Configuration in Java
0738         :param path: path to Hadoop file
0739         :param inputFormatClass: fully qualified classname of Hadoop InputFormat
0740                (e.g. "org.apache.hadoop.mapreduce.lib.input.TextInputFormat")
0741         :param keyClass: fully qualified classname of key Writable class
0742                (e.g. "")
0743         :param valueClass: fully qualified classname of value Writable class
0744                (e.g. "")
0745         :param keyConverter: (None by default)
0746         :param valueConverter: (None by default)
0747         :param conf: Hadoop configuration, passed in as a dict
0748                (None by default)
0749         :param batchSize: The number of Python objects represented as a single
0750                Java object. (default 0, choose batchSize automatically)
0751         """
0752         jconf = self._dictToJavaMap(conf)
0753         jrdd = self._jvm.PythonRDD.newAPIHadoopFile(self._jsc, path, inputFormatClass, keyClass,
0754                                                     valueClass, keyConverter, valueConverter,
0755                                                     jconf, batchSize)
0756         return RDD(jrdd, self)
0758     def newAPIHadoopRDD(self, inputFormatClass, keyClass, valueClass, keyConverter=None,
0759                         valueConverter=None, conf=None, batchSize=0):
0760         """
0761         Read a 'new API' Hadoop InputFormat with arbitrary key and value class, from an arbitrary
0762         Hadoop configuration, which is passed in as a Python dict.
0763         This will be converted into a Configuration in Java.
0764         The mechanism is the same as for sc.sequenceFile.
0766         :param inputFormatClass: fully qualified classname of Hadoop InputFormat
0767                (e.g. "org.apache.hadoop.mapreduce.lib.input.TextInputFormat")
0768         :param keyClass: fully qualified classname of key Writable class
0769                (e.g. "")
0770         :param valueClass: fully qualified classname of value Writable class
0771                (e.g. "")
0772         :param keyConverter: (None by default)
0773         :param valueConverter: (None by default)
0774         :param conf: Hadoop configuration, passed in as a dict
0775                (None by default)
0776         :param batchSize: The number of Python objects represented as a single
0777                Java object. (default 0, choose batchSize automatically)
0778         """
0779         jconf = self._dictToJavaMap(conf)
0780         jrdd = self._jvm.PythonRDD.newAPIHadoopRDD(self._jsc, inputFormatClass, keyClass,
0781                                                    valueClass, keyConverter, valueConverter,
0782                                                    jconf, batchSize)
0783         return RDD(jrdd, self)
0785     def hadoopFile(self, path, inputFormatClass, keyClass, valueClass, keyConverter=None,
0786                    valueConverter=None, conf=None, batchSize=0):
0787         """
0788         Read an 'old' Hadoop InputFormat with arbitrary key and value class from HDFS,
0789         a local file system (available on all nodes), or any Hadoop-supported file system URI.
0790         The mechanism is the same as for sc.sequenceFile.
0792         A Hadoop configuration can be passed in as a Python dict. This will be converted into a
0793         Configuration in Java.
0795         :param path: path to Hadoop file
0796         :param inputFormatClass: fully qualified classname of Hadoop InputFormat
0797                (e.g. "org.apache.hadoop.mapred.TextInputFormat")
0798         :param keyClass: fully qualified classname of key Writable class
0799                (e.g. "")
0800         :param valueClass: fully qualified classname of value Writable class
0801                (e.g. "")
0802         :param keyConverter: (None by default)
0803         :param valueConverter: (None by default)
0804         :param conf: Hadoop configuration, passed in as a dict
0805                (None by default)
0806         :param batchSize: The number of Python objects represented as a single
0807                Java object. (default 0, choose batchSize automatically)
0808         """
0809         jconf = self._dictToJavaMap(conf)
0810         jrdd = self._jvm.PythonRDD.hadoopFile(self._jsc, path, inputFormatClass, keyClass,
0811                                               valueClass, keyConverter, valueConverter,
0812                                               jconf, batchSize)
0813         return RDD(jrdd, self)
0815     def hadoopRDD(self, inputFormatClass, keyClass, valueClass, keyConverter=None,
0816                   valueConverter=None, conf=None, batchSize=0):
0817         """
0818         Read an 'old' Hadoop InputFormat with arbitrary key and value class, from an arbitrary
0819         Hadoop configuration, which is passed in as a Python dict.
0820         This will be converted into a Configuration in Java.
0821         The mechanism is the same as for sc.sequenceFile.
0823         :param inputFormatClass: fully qualified classname of Hadoop InputFormat
0824                (e.g. "org.apache.hadoop.mapred.TextInputFormat")
0825         :param keyClass: fully qualified classname of key Writable class
0826                (e.g. "")
0827         :param valueClass: fully qualified classname of value Writable class
0828                (e.g. "")
0829         :param keyConverter: (None by default)
0830         :param valueConverter: (None by default)
0831         :param conf: Hadoop configuration, passed in as a dict
0832                (None by default)
0833         :param batchSize: The number of Python objects represented as a single
0834                Java object. (default 0, choose batchSize automatically)
0835         """
0836         jconf = self._dictToJavaMap(conf)
0837         jrdd = self._jvm.PythonRDD.hadoopRDD(self._jsc, inputFormatClass, keyClass,
0838                                              valueClass, keyConverter, valueConverter,
0839                                              jconf, batchSize)
0840         return RDD(jrdd, self)
0842     def _checkpointFile(self, name, input_deserializer):
0843         jrdd = self._jsc.checkpointFile(name)
0844         return RDD(jrdd, self, input_deserializer)
0846     @ignore_unicode_prefix
0847     def union(self, rdds):
0848         """
0849         Build the union of a list of RDDs.
0851         This supports unions() of RDDs with different serialized formats,
0852         although this forces them to be reserialized using the default
0853         serializer:
0855         >>> path = os.path.join(tempdir, "union-text.txt")
0856         >>> with open(path, "w") as testFile:
0857         ...    _ = testFile.write("Hello")
0858         >>> textFile = sc.textFile(path)
0859         >>> textFile.collect()
0860         [u'Hello']
0861         >>> parallelized = sc.parallelize(["World!"])
0862         >>> sorted(sc.union([textFile, parallelized]).collect())
0863         [u'Hello', 'World!']
0864         """
0865         first_jrdd_deserializer = rdds[0]._jrdd_deserializer
0866         if any(x._jrdd_deserializer != first_jrdd_deserializer for x in rdds):
0867             rdds = [x._reserialize() for x in rdds]
0868         gw = SparkContext._gateway
0869         jvm = SparkContext._jvm
0870         jrdd_cls =
0871         jpair_rdd_cls =
0872         jdouble_rdd_cls =
0873         if is_instance_of(gw, rdds[0]._jrdd, jrdd_cls):
0874             cls = jrdd_cls
0875         elif is_instance_of(gw, rdds[0]._jrdd, jpair_rdd_cls):
0876             cls = jpair_rdd_cls
0877         elif is_instance_of(gw, rdds[0]._jrdd, jdouble_rdd_cls):
0878             cls = jdouble_rdd_cls
0879         else:
0880             cls_name = rdds[0]._jrdd.getClass().getCanonicalName()
0881             raise TypeError("Unsupported Java RDD class %s" % cls_name)
0882         jrdds = gw.new_array(cls, len(rdds))
0883         for i in range(0, len(rdds)):
0884             jrdds[i] = rdds[i]._jrdd
0885         return RDD(self._jsc.union(jrdds), self, rdds[0]._jrdd_deserializer)
0887     def broadcast(self, value):
0888         """
0889         Broadcast a read-only variable to the cluster, returning a :class:`Broadcast`
0890         object for reading it in distributed functions. The variable will
0891         be sent to each cluster only once.
0892         """
0893         return Broadcast(self, value, self._pickled_broadcast_vars)
0895     def accumulator(self, value, accum_param=None):
0896         """
0897         Create an :class:`Accumulator` with the given initial value, using a given
0898         :class:`AccumulatorParam` helper object to define how to add values of the
0899         data type if provided. Default AccumulatorParams are used for integers
0900         and floating-point numbers if you do not provide one. For other types,
0901         a custom AccumulatorParam can be used.
0902         """
0903         if accum_param is None:
0904             if isinstance(value, int):
0905                 accum_param = accumulators.INT_ACCUMULATOR_PARAM
0906             elif isinstance(value, float):
0907                 accum_param = accumulators.FLOAT_ACCUMULATOR_PARAM
0908             elif isinstance(value, complex):
0909                 accum_param = accumulators.COMPLEX_ACCUMULATOR_PARAM
0910             else:
0911                 raise TypeError("No default accumulator param for type %s" % type(value))
0912         SparkContext._next_accum_id += 1
0913         return Accumulator(SparkContext._next_accum_id - 1, value, accum_param)
0915     def addFile(self, path, recursive=False):
0916         """
0917         Add a file to be downloaded with this Spark job on every node.
0918         The `path` passed can be either a local file, a file in HDFS
0919         (or other Hadoop-supported filesystems), or an HTTP, HTTPS or
0920         FTP URI.
0922         To access the file in Spark jobs, use :meth:`SparkFiles.get` with the
0923         filename to find its download location.
0925         A directory can be given if the recursive option is set to True.
0926         Currently directories are only supported for Hadoop-supported filesystems.
0928         .. note:: A path can be added only once. Subsequent additions of the same path are ignored.
0930         >>> from pyspark import SparkFiles
0931         >>> path = os.path.join(tempdir, "test.txt")
0932         >>> with open(path, "w") as testFile:
0933         ...    _ = testFile.write("100")
0934         >>> sc.addFile(path)
0935         >>> def func(iterator):
0936         ...    with open(SparkFiles.get("test.txt")) as testFile:
0937         ...        fileVal = int(testFile.readline())
0938         ...        return [x * fileVal for x in iterator]
0939         >>> sc.parallelize([1, 2, 3, 4]).mapPartitions(func).collect()
0940         [100, 200, 300, 400]
0941         """
0942, recursive)
0944     def addPyFile(self, path):
0945         """
0946         Add a .py or .zip dependency for all tasks to be executed on this
0947         SparkContext in the future.  The `path` passed can be either a local
0948         file, a file in HDFS (or other Hadoop-supported filesystems), or an
0949         HTTP, HTTPS or FTP URI.
0951         .. note:: A path can be added only once. Subsequent additions of the same path are ignored.
0952         """
0953         self.addFile(path)
0954         (dirname, filename) = os.path.split(path)  # dirname may be directory or HDFS/S3 prefix
0955         if filename[-4:].lower() in self.PACKAGE_EXTENSIONS:
0956             self._python_includes.append(filename)
0957             # for tests in local mode
0958             sys.path.insert(1, os.path.join(SparkFiles.getRootDirectory(), filename))
0959         if sys.version > '3':
0960             import importlib
0961             importlib.invalidate_caches()
0963     def setCheckpointDir(self, dirName):
0964         """
0965         Set the directory under which RDDs are going to be checkpointed. The
0966         directory must be an HDFS path if running on a cluster.
0967         """
0970     def _getJavaStorageLevel(self, storageLevel):
0971         """
0972         Returns a Java StorageLevel based on a pyspark.StorageLevel.
0973         """
0974         if not isinstance(storageLevel, StorageLevel):
0975             raise Exception("storageLevel must be of type pyspark.StorageLevel")
0977         newStorageLevel =
0978         return newStorageLevel(storageLevel.useDisk,
0979                                storageLevel.useMemory,
0980                                storageLevel.useOffHeap,
0981                                storageLevel.deserialized,
0982                                storageLevel.replication)
0984     def setJobGroup(self, groupId, description, interruptOnCancel=False):
0985         """
0986         Assigns a group ID to all the jobs started by this thread until the group ID is set to a
0987         different value or cleared.
0989         Often, a unit of execution in an application consists of multiple Spark actions or jobs.
0990         Application programmers can use this method to group all those jobs together and give a
0991         group description. Once set, the Spark web UI will associate such jobs with this group.
0993         The application can use :meth:`SparkContext.cancelJobGroup` to cancel all
0994         running jobs in this group.
0996         >>> import threading
0997         >>> from time import sleep
0998         >>> result = "Not Set"
0999         >>> lock = threading.Lock()
1000         >>> def map_func(x):
1001         ...     sleep(100)
1002         ...     raise Exception("Task should have been cancelled")
1003         >>> def start_job(x):
1004         ...     global result
1005         ...     try:
1006         ...         sc.setJobGroup("job_to_cancel", "some description")
1007         ...         result = sc.parallelize(range(x)).map(map_func).collect()
1008         ...     except Exception as e:
1009         ...         result = "Cancelled"
1010         ...     lock.release()
1011         >>> def stop_job():
1012         ...     sleep(5)
1013         ...     sc.cancelJobGroup("job_to_cancel")
1014         >>> suppress = lock.acquire()
1015         >>> suppress = threading.Thread(target=start_job, args=(10,)).start()
1016         >>> suppress = threading.Thread(target=stop_job).start()
1017         >>> suppress = lock.acquire()
1018         >>> print(result)
1019         Cancelled
1021         If interruptOnCancel is set to true for the job group, then job cancellation will result
1022         in Thread.interrupt() being called on the job's executor threads. This is useful to help
1023         ensure that the tasks are actually stopped in a timely manner, but is off by default due
1024         to HDFS-1208, where HDFS may respond to Thread.interrupt() by marking nodes as dead.
1026         .. note:: Currently, setting a group ID (set to local properties) with multiple threads
1027             does not properly work. Internally threads on PVM and JVM are not synced, and JVM
1028             thread can be reused for multiple threads on PVM, which fails to isolate local
1029             properties for each thread on PVM.
1031             To work around this, you can set `PYSPARK_PIN_THREAD` to
1032             `'true'` (see SPARK-22340). However, note that it cannot inherit the local properties
1033             from the parent thread although it isolates each thread on PVM and JVM with its own
1034             local properties.
1036             To work around this, you should manually copy and set the local
1037             properties from the parent thread to the child thread when you create another thread.
1038         """
1039         _warn_pin_thread("setJobGroup")
1040         self._jsc.setJobGroup(groupId, description, interruptOnCancel)
1042     def setLocalProperty(self, key, value):
1043         """
1044         Set a local property that affects jobs submitted from this thread, such as the
1045         Spark fair scheduler pool.
1047         .. note:: Currently, setting a local property with multiple threads does not properly work.
1048             Internally threads on PVM and JVM are not synced, and JVM thread
1049             can be reused for multiple threads on PVM, which fails to isolate local properties
1050             for each thread on PVM.
1052             To work around this, you can set `PYSPARK_PIN_THREAD` to
1053             `'true'` (see SPARK-22340). However, note that it cannot inherit the local properties
1054             from the parent thread although it isolates each thread on PVM and JVM with its own
1055             local properties.
1057             To work around this, you should manually copy and set the local
1058             properties from the parent thread to the child thread when you create another thread.
1059         """
1060         _warn_pin_thread("setLocalProperty")
1061         self._jsc.setLocalProperty(key, value)
1063     def getLocalProperty(self, key):
1064         """
1065         Get a local property set in this thread, or null if it is missing. See
1066         :meth:`setLocalProperty`.
1067         """
1068         return self._jsc.getLocalProperty(key)
1070     def setJobDescription(self, value):
1071         """
1072         Set a human readable description of the current job.
1074         .. note:: Currently, setting a job description (set to local properties) with multiple
1075             threads does not properly work. Internally threads on PVM and JVM are not synced,
1076             and JVM thread can be reused for multiple threads on PVM, which fails to isolate
1077             local properties for each thread on PVM.
1079             To work around this, you can set `PYSPARK_PIN_THREAD` to
1080             `'true'` (see SPARK-22340). However, note that it cannot inherit the local properties
1081             from the parent thread although it isolates each thread on PVM and JVM with its own
1082             local properties.
1084             To work around this, you should manually copy and set the local
1085             properties from the parent thread to the child thread when you create another thread.
1086         """
1087         _warn_pin_thread("setJobDescription")
1088         self._jsc.setJobDescription(value)
1090     def sparkUser(self):
1091         """
1092         Get SPARK_USER for user who is running SparkContext.
1093         """
1094         return
1096     def cancelJobGroup(self, groupId):
1097         """
1098         Cancel active jobs for the specified group. See :meth:`SparkContext.setJobGroup`.
1099         for more information.
1100         """
1103     def cancelAllJobs(self):
1104         """
1105         Cancel all jobs that have been scheduled or are running.
1106         """
1109     def statusTracker(self):
1110         """
1111         Return :class:`StatusTracker` object
1112         """
1113         return StatusTracker(self._jsc.statusTracker())
1115     def runJob(self, rdd, partitionFunc, partitions=None, allowLocal=False):
1116         """
1117         Executes the given partitionFunc on the specified set of partitions,
1118         returning the result as an array of elements.
1120         If 'partitions' is not specified, this will run over all partitions.
1122         >>> myRDD = sc.parallelize(range(6), 3)
1123         >>> sc.runJob(myRDD, lambda part: [x * x for x in part])
1124         [0, 1, 4, 9, 16, 25]
1126         >>> myRDD = sc.parallelize(range(6), 3)
1127         >>> sc.runJob(myRDD, lambda part: [x * x for x in part], [0, 2], True)
1128         [0, 1, 16, 25]
1129         """
1130         if partitions is None:
1131             partitions = range(rdd._jrdd.partitions().size())
1133         # Implementation note: This is implemented as a mapPartitions followed
1134         # by runJob() in order to avoid having to pass a Python lambda into
1135         # SparkContext#runJob.
1136         mappedRDD = rdd.mapPartitions(partitionFunc)
1137         sock_info = self._jvm.PythonRDD.runJob(, mappedRDD._jrdd, partitions)
1138         return list(_load_from_socket(sock_info, mappedRDD._jrdd_deserializer))
1140     def show_profiles(self):
1141         """ Print the profile stats to stdout """
1142         if self.profiler_collector is not None:
1143             self.profiler_collector.show_profiles()
1144         else:
1145             raise RuntimeError("'spark.python.profile' configuration must be set "
1146                                "to 'true' to enable Python profile.")
1148     def dump_profiles(self, path):
1149         """ Dump the profile stats into directory `path`
1150         """
1151         if self.profiler_collector is not None:
1152             self.profiler_collector.dump_profiles(path)
1153         else:
1154             raise RuntimeError("'spark.python.profile' configuration must be set "
1155                                "to 'true' to enable Python profile.")
1157     def getConf(self):
1158         conf = SparkConf()
1159         conf.setAll(self._conf.getAll())
1160         return conf
1162     @property
1163     def resources(self):
1164         resources = {}
1165         jresources = self._jsc.resources()
1166         for x in jresources:
1167             name = jresources[x].name()
1168             jaddresses = jresources[x].addresses()
1169             addrs = [addr for addr in jaddresses]
1170             resources[name] = ResourceInformation(name, addrs)
1171         return resources
1174 def _test():
1175     import atexit
1176     import doctest
1177     import tempfile
1178     globs = globals().copy()
1179     globs['sc'] = SparkContext('local[4]', 'PythonTest')
1180     globs['tempdir'] = tempfile.mkdtemp()
1181     atexit.register(lambda: shutil.rmtree(globs['tempdir']))
1182     (failure_count, test_count) = doctest.testmod(globs=globs, optionflags=doctest.ELLIPSIS)
1183     globs['sc'].stop()
1184     if failure_count:
1185         sys.exit(-1)
1188 if __name__ == "__main__":
1189     _test()