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0001 ---
0002 layout: global
0003 title: SORT BY Clause
0004 displayTitle: SORT BY Clause
0005 license: |
0006   Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
0007   contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file distributed with
0008   this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
0009   The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
0010   (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
0011   the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
0015   Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
0016   distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
0017   WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
0018   See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
0019   limitations under the License.
0020 ---
0022 ### Description
0024 The `SORT BY` clause is used to return the result rows sorted
0025 within each partition in the user specified order. When there is more than one partition
0026 `SORT BY` may return result that is partially ordered. This is different
0027 than [ORDER BY](sql-ref-syntax-qry-select-orderby.html) clause which guarantees a
0028 total order of the output.
0030 ### Syntax
0032 ```sql
0033 SORT BY { expression [ sort_direction | nulls_sort_order ] [ , ... ] }
0034 ```
0036 ### Parameters
0038 * **SORT BY**
0040     Specifies a comma-separated list of expressions along with optional parameters `sort_direction`
0041     and `nulls_sort_order` which are used to sort the rows within each partition.
0043 * **sort_direction**
0045     Optionally specifies whether to sort the rows in ascending or descending
0046     order. The valid values for the sort direction are `ASC` for ascending
0047     and `DESC` for descending. If sort direction is not explicitly specified, then by default
0048     rows are sorted ascending.
0050     **Syntax:** `[ ASC | DESC ]`
0052 * **nulls_sort_order**
0054     Optionally specifies whether NULL values are returned before/after non-NULL values. If
0055     `null_sort_order` is not specified, then NULLs sort first if sort order is
0056     `ASC` and NULLS sort last if sort order is `DESC`.
0058     1. If `NULLS FIRST` is specified, then NULL values are returned first
0059        regardless of the sort order.
0060     2. If `NULLS LAST` is specified, then NULL values are returned last regardless of
0061        the sort order.
0063     **Syntax:** `[ NULLS { FIRST | LAST } ]`
0065 ### Examples
0067 ```sql
0068 CREATE TABLE person (zip_code INT, name STRING, age INT);
0070     (94588, 'Zen Hui', 50),
0071     (94588, 'Dan Li', 18),
0072     (94588, 'Anil K', 27),
0073     (94588, 'John V', NULL),
0074     (94511, 'David K', 42),
0075     (94511, 'Aryan B.', 18),
0076     (94511, 'Lalit B.', NULL);
0078 -- Use `REPARTITION` hint to partition the data by `zip_code` to
0079 -- examine the `SORT BY` behavior. This is used in rest of the
0080 -- examples.
0082 -- Sort rows by `name` within each partition in ascending manner
0083 SELECT /*+ REPARTITION(zip_code) */ name, age, zip_code FROM person SORT BY name;
0084 +--------+----+--------+
0085 |    name| age|zip_code|
0086 +--------+----+--------+
0087 |  Anil K|  27|   94588|
0088 |  Dan Li|  18|   94588|
0089 |  John V|null|   94588|
0090 | Zen Hui|  50|   94588|
0091 |Aryan B.|  18|   94511|
0092 | David K|  42|   94511|
0093 |Lalit B.|null|   94511|
0094 +--------+----+--------+
0096 -- Sort rows within each partition using column position.
0097 SELECT /*+ REPARTITION(zip_code) */ name, age, zip_code FROM person SORT BY 1;
0098 +--------+----+--------+
0099 |    name| age|zip_code|
0100 +--------+----+--------+
0101 |  Anil K|  27|   94588|
0102 |  Dan Li|  18|   94588|
0103 |  John V|null|   94588|
0104 | Zen Hui|  50|   94588|
0105 |Aryan B.|  18|   94511|
0106 | David K|  42|   94511|
0107 |Lalit B.|null|   94511|
0108 +--------+----+--------+
0110 -- Sort rows within partition in ascending manner keeping null values to be last.
0111 SELECT /*+ REPARTITION(zip_code) */ age, name, zip_code FROM person SORT BY age NULLS LAST;
0112 +----+--------+--------+
0113 | age|    name|zip_code|
0114 +----+--------+--------+
0115 |  18|  Dan Li|   94588|
0116 |  27|  Anil K|   94588|
0117 |  50| Zen Hui|   94588|
0118 |null|  John V|   94588|
0119 |  18|Aryan B.|   94511|
0120 |  42| David K|   94511|
0121 |null|Lalit B.|   94511|
0122 +----+--------+--------+
0124 -- Sort rows by age within each partition in descending manner, which defaults to NULL LAST.
0125 SELECT /*+ REPARTITION(zip_code) */ age, name, zip_code FROM person SORT BY age DESC;
0126 +----+--------+--------+
0127 | age|    name|zip_code|
0128 +----+--------+--------+
0129 |  50| Zen Hui|   94588|
0130 |  27|  Anil K|   94588|
0131 |  18|  Dan Li|   94588|
0132 |null|  John V|   94588|
0133 |  42| David K|   94511|
0134 |  18|Aryan B.|   94511|
0135 |null|Lalit B.|   94511|
0136 +----+--------+--------+
0138 -- Sort rows by age within each partition in descending manner keeping null values to be first.
0139 SELECT /*+ REPARTITION(zip_code) */ age, name, zip_code FROM person SORT BY age DESC NULLS FIRST;
0140 +----+--------+--------+
0141 | age|    name|zip_code|
0142 +----+--------+--------+
0143 |null|  John V|   94588|
0144 |  50| Zen Hui|   94588|
0145 |  27|  Anil K|   94588|
0146 |  18|  Dan Li|   94588|
0147 |null|Lalit B.|   94511|
0148 |  42| David K|   94511|
0149 |  18|Aryan B.|   94511|
0150 +----+--------+--------+
0152 -- Sort rows within each partition based on more than one column with each column having
0153 -- different sort direction.
0154 SELECT /*+ REPARTITION(zip_code) */ name, age, zip_code FROM person
0155     SORT BY name ASC, age DESC;
0156 +--------+----+--------+
0157 |    name| age|zip_code|
0158 +--------+----+--------+
0159 |  Anil K|  27|   94588|
0160 |  Dan Li|  18|   94588|
0161 |  John V|null|   94588|
0162 | Zen Hui|  50|   94588|
0163 |Aryan B.|  18|   94511|
0164 | David K|  42|   94511|
0165 |Lalit B.|null|   94511|
0166 +--------+----+--------+
0167 ```
0169 ### Related Statements
0171 * [SELECT Main](sql-ref-syntax-qry-select.html)
0172 * [WHERE Clause](sql-ref-syntax-qry-select-where.html)
0173 * [GROUP BY Clause](sql-ref-syntax-qry-select-groupby.html)
0174 * [HAVING Clause](sql-ref-syntax-qry-select-having.html)
0175 * [ORDER BY Clause](sql-ref-syntax-qry-select-orderby.html)
0176 * [CLUSTER BY Clause](sql-ref-syntax-qry-select-clusterby.html)
0177 * [DISTRIBUTE BY Clause](sql-ref-syntax-qry-select-distribute-by.html)
0178 * [LIMIT Clause](sql-ref-syntax-qry-select-limit.html)