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0001 ---
0002 layout: global
0003 title: "Migration Guide: Spark Core"
0004 displayTitle: "Migration Guide: Spark Core"
0005 license: |
0006   Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
0007   contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file distributed with
0008   this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
0009   The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
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0018   See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
0019   limitations under the License.
0020 ---
0022 * Table of contents
0023 {:toc}
0025 ## Upgrading from Core 2.4 to 3.0
0027 - The `org.apache.spark.ExecutorPlugin` interface and related configuration has been replaced with
0028   `org.apache.spark.api.plugin.SparkPlugin`, which adds new functionality. Plugins using the old
0029   interface must be modified to extend the new interfaces. Check the
0030   [Monitoring](monitoring.html) guide for more details.
0032 - Deprecated method `TaskContext.isRunningLocally` has been removed. Local execution was removed and it always has returned `false`.
0034 - Deprecated method `shuffleBytesWritten`, `shuffleWriteTime` and `shuffleRecordsWritten` in `ShuffleWriteMetrics` have been removed. Instead, use `bytesWritten`, `writeTime ` and `recordsWritten` respectively.
0036 - Deprecated method `AccumulableInfo.apply` have been removed because creating `AccumulableInfo` is disallowed.
0038 - Deprecated accumulator v1 APIs have been removed and please use v2 APIs instead.
0040 - Event log file will be written as UTF-8 encoding, and Spark History Server will replay event log files as UTF-8 encoding. Previously Spark wrote the event log file as default charset of driver JVM process, so Spark History Server of Spark 2.x is needed to read the old event log files in case of incompatible encoding.
0042 - A new protocol for fetching shuffle blocks is used. It's recommended that external shuffle services be upgraded when running Spark 3.0 apps. You can still use old external shuffle services by setting the configuration `spark.shuffle.useOldFetchProtocol` to `true`. Otherwise, Spark may run into errors with messages like `IllegalArgumentException: Unexpected message type: <number>`.
0044 - `SPARK_WORKER_INSTANCES` is deprecated in Standalone mode. It's recommended to launch multiple executors in one worker and launch one worker per node instead of launching multiple workers per node and launching one executor per worker.