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0001 #!/usr/bin/env bash
0003 #
0004 # Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
0005 # contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file distributed with
0006 # this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
0007 # The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
0008 # (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
0009 # the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
0010 #
0011 #
0012 #
0013 # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
0014 # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
0015 # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
0016 # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
0017 # limitations under the License.
0018 #
0020 # Stop on error
0021 set -e
0022 # Set nullglob for when we are checking existence based on globs
0023 shopt -s nullglob
0025 FWDIR="$(cd "$(dirname "$0")"/..; pwd)"
0026 cd "$FWDIR"
0028 echo "Constructing virtual env for testing"
0029 VIRTUALENV_BASE=$(mktemp -d)
0031 # Clean up the virtual env environment used if we created one.
0032 function delete_virtualenv() {
0033   echo "Cleaning up temporary directory - $VIRTUALENV_BASE"
0034   rm -rf "$VIRTUALENV_BASE"
0035 }
0036 trap delete_virtualenv EXIT
0039 # Some systems don't have pip or virtualenv - in those cases our tests won't work.
0040 if hash virtualenv 2>/dev/null && [ ! -n "$USE_CONDA" ]; then
0041   echo "virtualenv installed - using. Note if this is a conda virtual env you may wish to set USE_CONDA"
0042   # test only against python3
0043   if hash python3 2>/dev/null; then
0044     PYTHON_EXECS=('python3')
0045   else
0046     echo "Python3 not installed on system, skipping pip installability tests"
0047     exit 0
0048   fi
0049 elif hash conda 2>/dev/null; then
0050   echo "Using conda virtual environments"
0051   PYTHON_EXECS=('3.6')
0052   USE_CONDA=1
0053 else
0054   echo "Missing virtualenv & conda, skipping pip installability tests"
0055   exit 0
0056 fi
0057 if ! hash pip 2>/dev/null; then
0058   echo "Missing pip, skipping pip installability tests."
0059   exit 0
0060 fi
0062 # Determine which version of PySpark we are building for archive name
0063 PYSPARK_VERSION=$(python3 -c "exec(open('python/pyspark/').read());print(__version__)")
0064 PYSPARK_DIST="$FWDIR/python/dist/pyspark-$PYSPARK_VERSION.tar.gz"
0065 # The pip install options we use for all the pip commands
0066 PIP_OPTIONS="--upgrade --no-cache-dir --force-reinstall "
0067 # Test both regular user and edit/dev install modes.
0069               "pip install $PIP_OPTIONS -e python/")
0071 for python in "${PYTHON_EXECS[@]}"; do
0072   for install_command in "${PIP_COMMANDS[@]}"; do
0073     echo "Testing pip installation with python $python"
0074     # Create a temp directory for us to work in and save its name to a file for cleanup
0075     echo "Using $VIRTUALENV_BASE for virtualenv"
0077     rm -rf "$VIRTUALENV_PATH"
0078     if [ -n "$USE_CONDA" ]; then
0079       conda create -y -p "$VIRTUALENV_PATH" python=$python numpy pandas pip setuptools
0080       source activate "$VIRTUALENV_PATH"
0081     else
0082       mkdir -p "$VIRTUALENV_PATH"
0083       virtualenv --python=$python "$VIRTUALENV_PATH"
0084       source "$VIRTUALENV_PATH"/bin/activate
0085     fi
0086     # Upgrade pip & friends if using virtual env
0087     if [ ! -n "$USE_CONDA" ]; then
0088       pip install --upgrade pip wheel numpy
0089     fi
0091     echo "Creating pip installable source dist"
0092     cd "$FWDIR"/python
0093     # Delete the egg info file if it exists, this can cache the setup file.
0094     rm -rf pyspark.egg-info || echo "No existing egg info file, skipping deletion"
0095     python3 sdist
0098     echo "Installing dist into virtual env"
0099     cd dist
0100     # Verify that the dist directory only contains one thing to install
0101     sdists=(*.tar.gz)
0102     if [ ${#sdists[@]} -ne 1 ]; then
0103       echo "Unexpected number of targets found in dist directory - please cleanup existing sdists first."
0104       exit -1
0105     fi
0106     # Do the actual installation
0107     cd "$FWDIR"
0108     $install_command
0110     cd /
0112     echo "Run basic sanity check on pip installed version with spark-submit"
0113     spark-submit "$FWDIR"/dev/
0114     echo "Run basic sanity check with import based"
0115     python3 "$FWDIR"/dev/
0116     echo "Run the tests for"
0117     python3 "$FWDIR"/python/pyspark/
0119     cd "$FWDIR"
0121     # conda / virtualenv environments need to be deactivated differently
0122     if [ -n "$USE_CONDA" ]; then
0123       source deactivate
0124     else
0125       deactivate
0126     fi
0128   done
0129 done
0131 exit 0